Chapter 3

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I've never considered myself a heavy sleeper, but I wouldn't say I'm necessarily a light one either. That is, until now, when I find myself waking up to a white glow in the room. I look through the crack in the bannister and see a ghost hovering parallel to Lucy's sleeping form. Slowly, I sit up in bed, reaching for my rapier that I, thankfully, brought up with me. I faintly hear Lucy talking to the ghost. I just barely make out the words.

"If you hurt me, I can't help you."

The ghost doesn't seem to listen as she begins screaming in Lucy's face. Lucy jumps up and I do too.

"Lucy, go get Lockwood and George. I'll hold her off."

Lucy takes off down the stairs, and I twirl my rapier as I slowly approach the type two. She turns to me and I begin hearing her death loop.

"Let go of me."


"Let go of me."

"Who needs to let go?"

She doesn't answer. She flies directly toward me and I slice at her with my rapier. She pulses out for a second before returning. She charges again, and I do the same thing. Only, this time she disappears. I hear hurried footsteps coming up the stairs.

"I don't feel anything."

"I don't see anything."

"She was here. I swear. Ask Katherine."

"Lucy's not lying. I saw her. She charged at me and I got her with my rapier. She just disappeared, but she won't be gone for long."

Lockwood sighs, and George begins examining the room.

"You woke up and she was floating above you?"


Lockwood shakes his head, pacing around slowly.

"It makes no sense that she would be here. We contained her source, covered her body with a silver net. It's not like her source is inside the house. Is it?"

I see Lucy's face flash with guilt, but there's no time to dwell on it. I hear faint whispers all around, growing in strength. They're followed up by a groan. I raise my rapier once again.

"She's back."

Lockwood follows my lead and raises his rapier. George gets ready with a couple of salt bombs. We see a flash of her ghost before it disappears.

"She's playing with us."

"Lockwood, this isn't exactly how I pictured my first day going."

"It's all right, Katherine. It's four against one."

"Yea, well that's never stopped a ghost before."

We all keep our eyes peeled. After a beat of silence, I'm the first to see it manifesting behind George. I let out a small gasp and so does Lucy. Lockwood raises a calming hand up toward George.

"George, don't. move."

The ghost lets out a hiss and George whimpers.

"Please tell me it's a wasp."

"It's a wasp."

I let out a small, nervous giggle and give him a little shrug. One I'm sure is less than encouraging. The whispers continue, sounding more frantic now.

"Stand perfectly still....on second thought-move!"

George lets out a screech as he runs to stand by my side, seeing as I'm one of two with a rapier. Lockwood throws a salt bomb at her, weakening her for only a second.

"Not a wasp then."

I turn toward Lucy, who looks just about as scared as George.

"Lucy if you have any idea what her source is, right now would be a splendid time to speak up."

Guilt floods her face again.

"I'm starting to think that...I mean, I might have an idea what it is."

George groans in frustration from beside me. Lockwood and I have our rapiers at the ready, swiping at her whenever she gets too close.

"Take your time, we're not under any pressure."

The ghost screeches much louder than before. It causes me to drop my rapier. I clasp my hands over my ears as I drop to the floor. She begins screaming. It's so loud that I can feel it in my bones. It takes me a second to realize that I'm screaming too.

"Where is it, Lucy?"

At this point, my senses are so heightened that I can hear every single noise in the room, and it's like I can feel what she feels. There's so much pain and suffering.

"Well, I had her ring in my hand, and then I fell asleep with it."

"And now we're all gonna die."

"George, your pessimism is not helpful right now."

"Well, neither is your rapier on the floor."

"Well, if you could hear what I'm hearing right now, you'd drop it too."

"Quit you two."

Lockwood turns to Lucy as I stumble into a standing position, grabbing my rapier on the way.

"So it's in the bed?"

"Yea...maybe-I don't know. It could be."

"Well, we need to contain it."

The ghost, who I take is Annabel, hovers in front of us. I look at her with sympathy.

"I don't think she really wants to hurt us. I think she just wants to be seen...and heard."

"Well, she got her wish."

I look back at her, looking deep into her eyes.

"Annabel, let us help you."

She pauses before screeching again, charging at me. I swing my rapier as she draws near.

"Don't think she fancies a chat."

"Shut up, George."

She disappears for a second, before reappearing behind me.

"Oh, shit."

"Here she is."

"George, switch. Get behind me and hold the chain."

"Watch out."

Annabel roars as she charges at Lockwood and I. We jump out of the way at the last second. The only reason I know it worked is because Lucy calls out in triumph.

"Got her."

"George, throw it all. Everything you've got."

Annabel screeches as all of the salt bombs from George's belt explode on her. She disappears after a second of fighting it. This time for good, as Lockwood picks up the source and contains it.

"I didn't know it was the source. I just took it because... it's like I can feel what she feels. What she wants."


Lucy sighs at George's doubt. She struggles to find the words, but I understand what she's trying to say.

"No, it's hard to explain."

I step forward toward Lucy and Lockwood.

"A psychic connection."

"Yes! You get it."

"I get it because I feel it too, Lucy."

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