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Veronica had her speaker on, connected to her yellow-ish PC, listening to the radio on her favorite station, but it wasn't just any random radio station--BoneQuest FM is the radio station Veronica listens to on very special days, and today was one of them. BoneQuest FM rarely broadcasts music, but when they do, Veronica is always listening. She's listening to the latest song by DJ Pants, titled "HURGLE N GURGLING", what a classic. She was too mixed up into the music to realize Andy was pestering her.

She got up and started to dance, specifically interpretive dance, as she always does when she's into the music. Music helps her write poems, it gives her inspiration and motivation to keep going and continue poetry. Heck, she just thought of a poem right now!


Dong lickers and Song singers, aren't they the same?
Both lick dongs and sing songs, but only one gets the fame.
Song lickers? Dong singers? Gosh, I can never get it right.
I am so full of myself, I'd never win in a fight.
Oh. Here come the horses.


Veronica felt like she was apart of the music, like she was in BoneQuest. She was there, with Pants, Deuce, and Spigot. Maybe even Rands too. She felt alive, happy, and that everything was going to be alright, she saw her friends there with her. Tommy, Earl, and Andy, like one big happy family. She felt like she was the music, only for her mom to enter and shut the music off entirely.

"Veronica! What on Earth are you doing? You're going to wake up your baby sister!"

"But Ma, music helps me concentrate!"

"Wear headphones next time. Besides, stop listening to that music, it's clearly sending you subliminal messages."

"Ma, the music is completely fine. It's not demonic or anything!"

"It's probably telling you to dress up in that ugly outfit. Your grandfather wouldn't approve of you wearing this."

"Who cares what Grandpa thinks Ma, he's dead!"

"Don't say that! I don't like to be reminded."

"But it's true!"


Veronica's baby sister woke up, and eventually started crying, like all babies do.

"Now look what you did! Put your sister back to sleep or I'm taking away your computer for a month."

"Okay okay Ma I'll put her back to sleep."


Veronica's mother left the room, still mad about Veronica's outfit.

Veronica walked to her sister's crib and picked her up. She had her in her arms and started to calm her sister down. She began to sing to here as she did this.

"Rock-a-bye Baby go to sleep now, I am serious go to sleep. I'd say I think you're a pain in the ass, but my mom says I can't curse in front of you. Just go to sleep and then we'll be done, I just want to go have some fun. Now go to sleep and stop being annoying, this isn't fun and now goodbye."

The baby sister easily fell asleep, Veronica just has a good voice.

Veronica went back to her computer, and noticed that, not only did Andy pestered her, but a complete stranger started trolling her. Veronica laughed because she thinks the word trolling is funny, like Deuce is, and just like Deuce, will become the troll, rather than the trollee.

WW: .w. aw yeah prepared to get trolled 'cus im gonna troll you hard .w.
AA: hey bro are you a real one
AA: are you one with the dudes
AA: yknow
AA: the guys and the bros
WW: .w. yeah yeah yeah thats me were the guys who are like gonna make you feel bad about yourself and all that so prepare to get demoralized and uh yeah .w.
AA: MY MAN you know whats up
AA: what the fuck are you doing
WW: .w. messing with you obviously making your day worse as you know its kind of our thing and you probably deserve it .w.
AA: awww why would you do such a thing man i thought we were friends
AA: i thought we were tight
WW: .w. well i uh actually .w.
WW: .w. i didnt know you thought that way .w.
WW: .w. gee .w.
AA: weve been together for so long man
AA: and now you just wanna throw that all away?
AA: i honestly feel like crying...
WW: .w. aw wait no no im sorry i didnt think it would actually hurt you it was just supposed to be like a fun thing right a joke a little sarcasm .w.
AA: sniff sniff, really?
WW: .w. yeah i wont do it again im sorry .w.
WW: .w. can we be friends still .w.
AA: yes!!! i would love to be still be friends
WW: .w. well gee i dont know say .w.
WW: .w. this is new .w.
AA: we will talk later i must attend to important business!!! one of my other friends is pestering me he must be so annoyed
WW: .w. well okay i can wait .w.

Veronica stopped trolling a troll and started pestering a pest. She noticed that Andy indeed get his mother's permission to hangout with his buddies on Seinfeld Night.

AA: holy shit awesome ill let tom n earl know youre coming
AA: this is gonna be fucking awesome
AA: also you wont believe this dude but someone just tried to troll me lol
AA: hope it happens more that was so much fun

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