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A young man stands in- wait, I mean... A teenager named Tommy Duvall stands in his room, laced with his interests, items for survival, and comfort. He's really into adventure games, especially if you can point and click in them. He also likes games that aren't popular at all, "hidden gems" as they're most commonly called.

He runs a group called "The Seinfeld Fan Group", although they do not like Seinfeld and the title is just irony, he enjoys the group as it is filled with his friends and himself. We will get to his friends in due time, but for now we will inspect Tommy's room.

Tommy has a couple of posters in his possession which he proudly displayss them on his walls, these include games like Grim Fandango, The Secret of Monkey Island, and a The Simpsons poster, for whatever damn reason. He also has a laptop which he uses to speak in his aforementioned friend group, and plays his adventure games on, he's currently half way through Day of the Tentacle.

He lives with his father, who is a huge The Simpsons fan, so they regularly watch The Simpsons together on Saturday nights, and maybe even some Futurama if they're not too tired. Tommy also really likes orange juice, like no kidding he's addicted to that stuff, it explains why there are tons of orange juice jugs in the fridge.

Tommy usually stays at home as he doesn't have much to do other than use his laptop, he's obsessed with the thing, like previously mentioned with the games and his online friends. His laptop's desktop background is a piece of concept art drawn by Steve Purcell, for this one movie based off of Monkey Island.

 His laptop's desktop background is a piece of concept art drawn by Steve Purcell, for this one movie based off of Monkey Island

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He just simply loves point and click adventure games. His friends express their opinions on his obsessions with the genre, calling it annoying but cool. Only one of his three other friends is the only other person to be into this genre of video games just like Tommy is.

Although worried, Tommy's father likes to encourage Tommy's obsession with these types of games, which is why he's happened to own so many. At some point, he might just get an old 90's computer to authentically play these games! Tommy loves storytelling in video games and sets himself to be a successful storyteller later in his life, although he has some problems to work out (his stories aren't at all interesting), he's put himself on a right path to be a popular and successful author.

Tommy was down at the living room of his father's home. There is The Simpsons currently playing on the TV. Tommy cannot depict what specific episode was playing on television but he could see the infamous one-off Simpsons character "Frank Grimes", Tommy is quite familiar with Frank Grimes as, at one point, his father almost named him after the character. Tommy felt as if his life could've changed exponentially if he was named Frank rather than Tommy.

He doesn't spend much time on the thought though, as he heads to the kitchen to see his father placing pop-tarts into the toaster. It is his father's favorite snack, toasted pop-tarts, Tommy does enjoy a pop-tart every once in a while, but not to the extent his dad does.

"Hey Fran-er... Tommy! Haha!"

Once again the idea of Tommy not being Tommy plays in Tommy's mind, he does not know if whether his life would've changed for the better or for the worst. Tommy gives a slight nervous chuckle to his father for confirmation that he did indeed hear his father's joke, and heads to the fridge to get his signature morning glass of orange juice. He can never go a day without one of them.

Tommy's had a pretty good life so far, fun and humorous father, video games that have kept him invested in the story, and his story skills growing ever so sharper. His mother wasn't really around to take care of him, in addition to this, his father hasn't really spoken much about Tommy's mother, only saying how much the teen's mom always "wanted to be a star". When he mentions that, he begins to bawl his eyes out and lowers Tommy's interest in asking about his mother.

The only other thing to be involved with his life other than point and click adventure games, his father, and stories, is The Simpsons, trust me when I say that The Simpsons takes a huge part of Tommy's life due to the fact his father is a big fan of said show. He can't get enough of the silly antics of America's favorite cartoon family.

"Hey um Dad, what's up with you and the Simpsons? I've always been fascinated by your obsession with the family, what brings you back for more?"

"Oh Tom, trust me when I SAY and I DO SAY that the Simpsons is not only a tv show, it's a way of life! And I just think they're neat!"

When Tommy thinks it couldn't get any weirder with his father. It does get weirder.

Tommy sits on the living room couch, viewing the, already on, television, currently playing "Homer's Best Moments!".

"Another one of these clip shows, at least air a rerun for pete's sake!"

Tommy's father seemed quite angry at the TV, exclaiming words that should not be repeated. Tommy felt awkward and took a sip of his glass of orange juice, with pulp, from his favorite orange juice brand, "Splargio's". "Splargio's" mascot is a bootleg Mario character with the titular name, Splargio, his famous quote is something Tommy loves to repeat because of how laughable it is.

"Splargio is ready to splaaaarrrg your breakfast!"

Tommy just couldn't get enough of Splargio, even buying the licensed point and click adventure game, "Splargio's Quest for the Sacred Orange!", it stands right next to his Sam & Max collection.

"Dad, would it be alright for me to bring my glass of Spla-I mean, orange juice to my room?"

"Why yes, of course Tom, and could you change the channel on your way there? I hate these clip shows!"

Tommy agreed, changing the channel to the first ever TV airing of Toy Story 4.

"...Better than clip shows..."

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