Chapter 5! ♡

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Our shift ends in a few hours and I still need to choose who's going to scrub in with me. The surgery starts in an hour and I'm stressed. Dr Bailey already told them that it's my decision and I've been hiding in the supply closet since then. Ok I'll just pick a number 1 through 10 and whoever gets it right wins. That's good enough right? I hate this..

I leave the supply closet and head over to the cafeteria for a banana. The minute I walked in I see the 5 of them running towards me. well..shit

all I hear is a bunch of"KAT LET ME SCRUB IN PLEASE" "CHOOSE ME" "I'LL DO YOUR ROUNDS" "KAT" "KAT" "KAT" .......

ok..I'm gonna lose it

"SHUSH" I shut them up

Silence..okay. They look at me waiting to say something

"I don't know who to choose. So whoever picks the number I'm thinking of from 1-10 gets to scrub in okay. A game of luck" I tell them

The number I chose is 3

"Ready.. GO"

They all speak at the same time "6", "8", "4", "1", "3", "10" "7-"

"WAIT NOT AT THE SAME TIM-. wait who said 3?" I ask

All of them say "ME", for fucks sake.


Before my shift ends I need to check Denny once again. I walk in and Dr Burke is already there with him. Denny looks at me and gives me a soft sweet smile

"Dr Burke. Sorry I'm late." I say

Dr Burke looks at me and tells me "Dr Adeline, no worries"

I take document of Denny's vitals when Burke speaks again

"So I heard you need to choose an intern to scrub in with you today Dr Adeline."

Oh I guess Dr Bailey told him "yes I do. They're all my friends but I want the best for my patient" I reply

"So your special Dr Adeline? How come you get to choose?" Denny says

"Special? oh n-" I was interrupted with Dr Burke

"She's the best intern we've seen in a while. It's her second day here and I heard you found a brain tumor. Is that right?"

Denny looks at me pleased and impressed though I don't believe its a big deal and I start to get embarrassed with the attention

"That's correct but it's no big deal, really. But thank you Dr Burke" I say looking at my feet

"Well, like I was saying Denny, there's still no final word on your heart. I want you to have the healthiest heart I can find" Dr Burke says.

Denny nods and looks at me

"Dr Adeline, you'll be in there with us right?" Denny asks me

I look at Dr Burke and he nods

"Yes I'll be there with you"


"Okay the surgery starts in 30 minutes. Whoever can answer these questions will scrub in with me. This time I'll pick on whoever raises their hand first"

They all nod and I start with the first question

"What's my favorite food?" I asked them and they all raised their hand but I saw Meredith raise her hand first. I choose her

"Well, its quite obvious. It's the only thing you've really eaten and asked us to get when we go to the grocery store. Its bananas" Meredith answered.

"That's correct! One point for Mer" I tell them and they all sigh in disappointment

"Alright next question, who is my favorite artist?" George raises his hand and I chose him.

"Easy, The Fray. It's the only band you constantly play on blast every Sunday morning" He answered

"That's is... CORRECT. One point George. Two more questions left." I tell them. My next question is going to see if they remember what I said earlier today.

"What was the diagnosis I gave my case today" I ask and Christina and Alex raise their hand at the same time. Of course they did.

"Rock, paper, scissor" I tell them

Christina and Alex scoff but they go with it "rock..paper..scissor..SHOOT"

Christina chooses rock but Alex choose paper.

"Okay Alex, if you get this wrong Christina can steal your point" I tell him

"Yeah, not worried. He was admitted for a heart transplant necessitated by a vital cardiomyopathy." He says cocky

"Yes, that's right! One point for Alex!" I look at Izzy and Christina "You guys are out. The only people who can win are Alex, George and Meredith. Okay the final question. What color are my eyes" I say as I close my eyes before they can see.

"ITS BROWN" Both George and Meredith say

"It looks dark brown indoors. But when your eyes hit the sun its a light brown with a hint of green" Alex says

George and Meredith look in shook and proceed to look at me who is just trying to process how Alex pays attention to the little details.

"All three of you are correct but" I look at Alex "Alex won"


Thank you for reading my story! See you in Chapter 6!!

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