Chapter 1! ♡

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock and my noisy roommates. It's 4 in the morning. It's our new day working as interns at Seattle Grace Hospital. I met my co-workers during the summer when we got accepted into the program. This is my first time in Seattle. I don't know anyone here so when Meredith, one of the co-workers asked me to live with two of our own I couldn't say no.

George opens my door

"Katherine get up" he says

I groan "okay okay, just 5 minutes.."

George turns on the lights, picks up a pillow and throws it at me. He knows I'm a heavy sleeper

"GEORGE" I yell

"COME ON LETS GO. WE'RE GONNA BE LATE" he yells back and leaves


I took a quick shower, applied light makeup to make it look like I'm awake, wore my favorite red long sleeve shirt and my flare jeans. I went down stairs to see Izzy making us waffles, our other roommate

"Morning guys" I head over to Izzy "Those look great Iz, thanks!" I say

she looks back and smiles "Thanks Kat!" she says and looks at George and Meredith. " At least someone appreciates my cooking" she says as she looks at the both of them

"We do appreciate it! When it isn't burnt" George replies

Izzie scoffs "Oh I see"

I step in "Well Iz, I'm grateful we have you. I can't cook for the life of me"

Meredith cuts in "Well we need to start heading to the hospital if we want to make a good impression"

I stuff a waffle in my mouth and grab my bag "Mer is right, lets go!"


We enter the hospital and meet up with Alex and Christina who live on their own. We enter the locker room and change into our scrubs and coats. I tie my hair with a ribbon into a braid and leave my curtain bangs out.

"These are so cute!" I say

George looks over and says "Yeah your right."

We finished getting dressed and left the locker room. We head over to the main floor.

Christina points to a short, black hair doctor "I heard that's the Nazi"

I reply "What a harsh name"

We head over to her and Izzy speaks

"Hello My name is Isabelle Stevens but you can call me Izzy"

The Nazi looks at her with a bland expression then looks at the rest of us

"My name is Dr Bailey. I have 5 rules. Memorize them. Rule number 1, don't bother sucking up I already hate all of you and that's not going to change

Oh, I see why shes called Nazi

"Trauma protocol. These are pagers. Nurses will page you and you need to answer EVERY SINGLE PAGE. These are basically getting text messages on your phones telling you where to go if your help is needed. Rule number 2 your first shift starts now and lasts 48 hours. You are interns, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain. You run labs, write orders, and work every second until you drop."

We walk into a hallway with a bunch of doors

"These rooms are called ON-CALL ROOMS. This is where you sleep when you can, which brings me to my third rule, if I'm sleeping do NOT wake me up unless your patient is dying. Rule number 4 the dying patient better not be dead when I get there. Not only have you killed someone you would have woke me for no reason, we clear?

Mer raises her hand "You said 5 rules, and you only said 4"

Dr Bailey looks at her pager "Rule number 5, when I move you move"

She starts running through the halls and we follow her


Thank you so much for making it up to this point of the story! This is my first story I've ever written, so if you want please recommend any ideas you might want to see! Again thank you and I'll see you in the next chapter! <3

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