~After practice~

"Kotaro." Seijuro said touching the blond's shoulder.

"What is it?" he turned around.

"I've talked with Aiko. She said she's fine but I don't believe it 'cause she said it after I told her I had a date with Misaki. Would you mind go and check on her? She's going to kill me if I get back home."

"Sure, no problem!" Kotaro smiled. "I'll go now."

~At home~

"Calm down, Kotaro." he thought and after taking a big breath he knocked on the door.

"Aiko-chan, it's me." he exclaimed.

Aiko slowly got up from her bed and walked next to her window to look at the front door.

"What is he doing here?" she thought opening the window.

"Wait a minute, Kotaro-kun. I'm coming down!" she said coughing and he nodded.

She closed the window and walked downstairs.

"Why are you here?" she opened the door squeezing herself into her red blanket.

"I came to see you." he smiled brighty.

"Come in, it's cold outside." she said stepping aside.

Kotaro smiled and got into the house.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" she asked coughing while closing the door.

"No need to worry." he smiled. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine." she said and sneezed.

"Really?" he chuckled. "What was that, then?"

"Someone's bad mouthing me." she said before blowing her nose.

"They're bad mouthing heavily, aren't they?" he held back a laugh.

"Oh, shut up!" she blushed looking away.

Kotaro leaned closer to her face, Aiko looked at him rasing a brow and he pressed his forehead on hers.

"Are you crazy?!" she exclaimed blushing, pushing him away by placing her hands on his chest.

"I wanted to check your temperature." he said still holding her by her waist.

"People usually use thermometer!"

"But in shoujo mangas the girl always goes 'doki doki' if the guy do this." he pouted.

"Say 'shoujo manga' again and you won't be able to eat Kappamaki anymore." she ordered.

"No, Kappamaki no! I love them!" he stated. "And yeah, every guy ends up getting sick at the end so..."

"Are you sure your sister read them?" Aiko chuckled walking upstairs. "You seem to know a lot of things."

"It's true!" he said following her.

"Why are you following me?!" she said opening her room door.

"I came here to check on you." he smiled showing his snaggle tooth.

"Tch, fine! Do whatever you want." she said laying on the bed and then hid her face under the blankets.

"I'll be right here until Sei-chan comes back." he whispered taking the chair of Aiko's desk and moved it next to the bed so that he could sit there. "Night."

"It's just... 5:43... pm..." she said before falling asleep.

~An hour later~

Aiko was sleeping on her left side and Kotaro was holding her left hand while resting his head on his crossed arms, looking at his girlfriend's face.

"Kotaro-kun." she whispered causing him to raise his head. "D-Don't leave... me"

"I'm not going to leave you." he stated but he realized her eyes were closed. "Aiko-chan?" he called but she kept silent.

"Oh, she's asleep." he thought. "Wait, what? She called my name! Sweet mother of Kappamaki!"

Kotaro rested his forehead on his crossed arms to hid his blushing face but he moved way to fast so he woke her up.

"Kotaro-kun?" she thought looking at him. "Is he sleeping?"

"Why are you here?" she whispered chuckling.

"You didn't want me to leave." he said still hiding his face.

"I-I thought you were sleeping." she stated sitting up.

"No, I wasn't."

Aiko noticed he was holding her hand and blushed madly.

"You're sleeping face was so cute I couldn't handle it." he admitted blushing.

"I-I'm going to drink some water." she said getting up.

"Uh? No, you need to rest." he said but she kept on walking. "I'll go and take it." he got up from the chair to follow her.

"No need. I can walk on my own!"

"Aiko-chan, if you don't re-"

"I'm just walking, it's not like I'm running around the house." she cut him off walking faster.

Kotaro run downstairs and walked into the kitchen.

"What do you wanna drink?" he asked taking a glass.

"Is he doing this for real?" she thought.

"Water's fine." she said shaking her head slightly while chuckling.

Hello everyone!
Thank you so much for the 300+ views (≧▽≦) I'm so happy! I never thought this story could reach that number lol
This one is officially in the 'KnB Watty Awards'... [I don't remember what I wanted to say about it :/ ]
See you next chapter,

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