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kelasspam 15m ago


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Two full days had passed since Kelada's last interaction with Nezra. She had used the money from one of the gifted stacks to advance her mother's care for the next three months, and the other to advance her rent for the next five.

The promise of money like that just for being pretty was just that — a promise.

She felt as if it were a bit immoral, but like he had said, people died everyday. She needed the money but more importantly, her mother needed it.

At the end of their business dinner, Kelada had finally caved and exchanged numbers with him.

As she picked up her phone she was a bit hesitant to call, but decided that this was for the best.

He approached her first, after all.

"You got ah answer for me, folks?" Nezra's smooth Chicago accent glided into her ear and swirled around her brain.

She hated to think that he could get whatever.

"I don't think it's right, but I do think that if I was put on this course then obviously it's a sign. So yes," She answered, hoping her decision wouldn't lead her to regret.

"I thought for sho you was finna take that money and say fuck me," He responded with a laugh.

"I already spent it, I advanced on my mother's care and my rent. And with what you're offering to pay me for being your accountant then I can't be happy with my day-to-day jobs anymore."

"I need to come get you."

"For what?" Kelada inquired with pure curiosity. She had guessed that after she accepted his offer he would only contact her when he needed her.

"So you can meet everybody, Kelada."

When Kelada got the text that he was outside, she expected the same Jaguar that had picked her up. Instead a black Hummer H3 awaited her with five percent tinted windows and deep bass shaking the car.

She much preferred the big truck over the sleek sports car.

The door opened for her from the inside and she stepped inside while letting out a small yawn.

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