10 | you owe me, noon

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"i'm sure we're taller in another dimension, you say we're small and not worth the mention."

IN real life


"I was so scared." He admitted to me, looking at my face almost astonished. "You didn't hurt your nose, good." 

"Brady." I said, almost wanting him to say he'd forget about it. The look on his face killed me. He hummed in response, "It's not your fault, you're making me sad right now though, so if you could just not- please." I said still flinching as my body felt less numb and more pained. 

He nodded and then changed the subject up in an instant. "So wonderful news, Greta just informed me you're dismissed from the next dance number and then hopefully for our last one in June your leg will be all healed up by then."

"How bad is it?" I almost asked not wanting to know. 

"Well, you're not exactly going to be the next gold medalist in skating at the olympics, but doc says you should be all good in 4-6 months." I gave him a pathetic thumbs up and he could only laugh. 

He pointed over to a tray of food and asked if I wanted it. I furrowed my eyebrows, "Where's the jello?"

"What do you mean?" He asked in an oblivious tone. They always served jello at hospitals. 



"You little jello stealer jerk. Hurting the injured now are we?" He continued laughing and doubled over, his head hitting the side of the bed. "You owe me Noon."

"Anything you want." I think I gulped at that moment. He had no clue how that just effected me, and I had no clue why it did. 


Brady carried me bridal style into the apartment and insisted I take his bedroom and he'd take the couch at least for the next couple of weeks until I didn't have a cast and I was in a boot. 

His room was surprisingly clean, I had never been in it. He opened his closet and threw one of his hoodies at me, "Your little sprained wrist contraption thing won't fit in any of your clothes, so if you just put your good arm through one of the sleeves and leave the other one out, this should work."

"Thanks." I said, smiling at his gesture. 

"How does it feel?"

"I think I'm more upset that you let Lottie choose the color of the cast then the actual broken bone. Seriously, you couldn't have told her anything but pink?"

"She insisted!" He held his arms up, and then tossed my phone at me. He must have grabbed it from the hospital. 

"Astra wanted to tell me to tell you she told you so, said you'd know what I'm referring to and that she was sorry, uhh Lottie and Greta are coming over later with chicken noodle soup, and August is going to help me move the TV into the room later so you can watch Gilmore Girls." He said listing off all of the messages he had gotten from his phone. 

I wanted to kill Astra for even sending him a text that had an implication about him. He'd never know, but I did, and even through a muffled reaction, he might have been able to see the terror that flashed through my eyes.

"Brady, I'm not dying, I can make it out to the living room if I want to watch a show."

"I know, I just want to make sure you're all good. Gotta look out for each other right?" Yeah. We did. But his words sent a shiver through my spine. 

I put my face in my hands at the realization I had classes in two days. "Shit." I said, finally removing my head from my hands. 

He waved his arm so I would say more, "Oxford."

"Astra's headed there right now to pick up your homework. We called your professors and they're all excusing you from the last 3 days of term on sick leave." Out of impulse I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered thank you into his neck. 

Thankfully it happened so close to Christmas break that I'd have a little bit of a break.

They really had covered all the basis. Its wonders what a couple of weeks could make of a friendship. He knew how stressed I got about my work, he knew what it meant to me. 

And that fact itself scared me. How'd he know so much? Why'd I tell him so much?


Later that evening the whole gang was over in the tiny flat gathered around the dining table that took up practically half of the space. 

Brady insisted I take a break from trying to move for a day and gave me a piggy back ride a couple of steps to the kitchen counter. I just sat up there with my soup instead of trying to squirm my way in a chair. 

"Can I pleaseeee sign your cast?" Lottie begged from the corner. I brought up the whole pink cast part and she was all shits and giggles about it. 

"Fine." I muttered and leaned over to the junk drawer in the kitchen to find a sharpie. She signed her name with a little heart next to it. 

The August begged me. He put the words "the coolest - Auggie" on the bottom part of it and suddenly the pen was just being passed around. 

It was so wholesome watching them all come around and draw their names. I was trying not to freak out that if I would have known Lottie Walker and Jax Huang would be signing my cast, I would have screamed in your face. 

The truth is, them signing it was cool, but just being here, with August and Jax and Astra and Greta and Lottie and Brady was psychotic. 

Brady finished out the signing and then everyone started filing out around 9. August, Brady, and I watched season 1 episode 10 of Gilmore Girls, but Auggie bailed out the minute he realized it wasn't a fast paced thriller. 

I wondered if Brady minded sleeping on the couch, I felt terrible. 

He waved me off any time I brought it up though. 

"Why doesn't Luke realize he's in love with Lorelai?" He asked, genuinely concerned they weren't together.

"Because he's an oblivious dummy."



So Christmas, Brady'd bday, more filming, and drama coming soon - tehe

Love always x

WHAT I WAS MADE FOR | brady noonWhere stories live. Discover now