8 | sleeping everywhere

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"you took the night train for a reason, so you could sit there in this hurt"

IN real life


Over the months, filming and school started to really burn me out and it was particularly catching up to me this weekend. 

We were still ages away from being done, Ryan Gosling, the main Ken had yet to show in Leavesden and all the weekends we were supposed to be filming turned into group dinner dates and helping the crew with sets. 

It wasn't our job, but we all felt pleasure in helping out others, and the crew definitely appreciated it. 

This weekend we were learning choreography for a big spectacle where Barbie had a thought about dying. Sort of an oxymoron. August had two left feet and kept tripping into me, and Jax would bonk into me from the other side because he got his left and right switched up the entire time. 

"I feel like a human punching bag." I muttered to them. They just laughed and continued with their hysterics. "Can I be moved?" I asked Greta from the corner who was eating her candy like it was popcorn for her entertainment. 

"It's either that or you're apart of one of the dancing partner groups with Brady." She said, knowing I'd be bothered by both. I didn't dislike Brady, I just tried to stay away from him because of how much Astra pushed me into him. It was also a bit awkward living with him and August 3 days a week while playing his love interest in a movie. 

My life felt like a Wattpad story, and I wasn't interested in living in it. 

"I don't know what's worse." I said, loud enough so everyone was able to hear. Jax and August held their hands to their hearts as if it stung and Greta doubled over cackling.

"Hey! I'll have you know, I'm a very good dancer." Brady exclaimed from the corner of the room and slowly walked over to me. He took my hand and spun me around and slightly into him. 

"Is that so?" I asked, and Greta started the music. We danced around like we were in the 1800s style ballrooms where the girls wore corsets and the guys wore bowties. 

He was an elegant dancer, didn't step on my feet like I was sure August would do if I got paired with him, and spun me around with ease.


After 3 hours of torture and exercise Brady, August, and I fell asleep on one of the pink couches in Barbieland while Lottie and Jax filmed a scene. When I woke up August was gone and my head was on Brady's chest. I had clearly gotten comfortable. 

Brady was awake though, and hadn't thought to push me off. I got up immediately and apologized, running over to Greta to see what my next task would be of the day. We weren't supposed to be released until 10 that night. 

"Just sleep some more. You and Brady won't be filming for another couple of hours. If you go into Barbie's house there's a bed and we hooked a TV up to the wall if people needed to pass time between scenes."

I invited Brady to come with and we sat on the bed scrolling through Astra's Netflix account. We settled on Gilmore Girls. Little did I know this would become a regular event for us. 

From here, we could turn the lights off, but still see the stage lights and Lottie jumping around with her blond locks draping everywhere from below. 

I lay my head on the pillow and watched as Rory and Lorelai yelled at Luke for coffee. I lived for this show. It made me feel so at home. 

Brady kept his eyes focused on the screen for the majority of it, not beginning me to turn it to something else less girly. Through my peripheral vision I could see him looking at me every once in a while and then he'd go back to being engrossed in the show. 

I knew so little about him, but there was something that made me want to know. 

"Rory's single handedly the reason I made it through high school."

"Why's that?" He asked. 

"She made me realize that I wanted to graduate for myself and that it was important to do. I always resisted when my father asked me to do something, and even though I was naturally good at school I'd botch tests just to get a reaction out of him."

He didn't ask me why, he just looked at me and studied my facial features waiting for me to say more. 

Somehow I ended up telling him bits about how my father and I didn't see eye to eye, and he didn't try to give me advice on the situation, he was just there to listen and he was great at it.

We ended up falling asleep yet again, but this time when I woke up, Greta was standing over me shaking me and Brady was falling off the bed passed out. 

"My favorite little munchkins, time to work!" She cheerfully announced, I tapped Brady a million times to get him to wake up. He groaned, but eventually sat up and rubbed his eyes. 

His hair was sticking up in crazy fashion, his bed head was adorable, but I shouldn't be thinking that way. 


Alex, I have to go, I'm sorry. My mom's acting all crazy and-

Let me go with you.

You can't just runaway. 

I can't let you run away, you have a life to live here

But I don't want to live without you

Brady finished his line, and then Greta hated it and redid the script for the millionth time. She claimed it was too corny to air in the "film of the summer." She had been calling it that for the past few weeks, would it be that big?

She dismissed Brady and I, but made us stay in the building until she was sure she didn't want us doing anything else. 

It was well past 10pm at night by this point. I was pretty sure she wasn't abiding by the rules keeping us after hours, but I liked being here more than anything, so I'd never bring it up. 

"Wanna go keep watching it?" He asked, and I nodded. I barely could see, and I ran into one of the posts, bonking my head for the millionth time this year. 

It was December 19th, Christmas was coming up and the New Year was just around the corner, I couldn't believe we almost survived 2023. 

He grabbed both of my arms and walked backwards, leading me into the dark. It felt more like blind leading the blind, but I made it to the bed that was illuminated by the screen and jumped in a superman pose to the other side. 

"What are you doing for your birthday?" I asked him out of nowhere. 

"How do you know my birthday?"

"If you haven't noticed, my old roommate likes to torture me with facts about you. December 30th, right?" He nodded at my comment, his smile was apparent even in the dark room. 

"My brother Connor's flying over and that's all I know-" he sighed, clearly annoyed he hadn't made any plans when it was coming up so soon.

We sat in silence by that point, and watched Gilmore Girls until all of a sudden we weren't and my eyes opened to a bright light coming from the warehouse windows, Brady's arm draped over my face and the TV screen powered off. 

We had spent the night in Barbieland.



I have big plans for the next chapter and I hope you don't hate me for it :)

As always, remember to interact, it makes your wonderful annoying author over here happy and happy author means more parts!

Love always x

WHAT I WAS MADE FOR | brady noonWhere stories live. Discover now