Hatter's what?

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The next afternoon I woke up to someone banging on my door, I turned over ignoring the banging. I didn't want to get out of bed, I literally cried myself to sleep last night. I couldn't ignore the banging though, It got louder and louder. Ugh for fuck sake. I got out of bed and forced myself over to open the door, I was greeted by Arisu's face. "What's up Arisu? I'm trying to sleep" I muttered. "Are you okay?" Arisu asked me concerned. I gave Arisu a dismissive glance. "Okay? Chishiya has asked me to come down to the conference room, he also asked me to ask you" Arisu explained to me. I sighed, "Just give a moment" I said breathing deeply as I grabbed my flip-flops, I put them on and walked out of the bedroom closing the door behind me. What did he want now? Maybe the plan? As Arisu and I made our way down to the conference room, we were interrupted by Niragi stepping out in front of us. "What the hell do you want?" Niragi asked Arisu irritation lacing his voice. Arisu didn't respond, he just looked at me and then at Niragi uncomfortably. "No one asked you to come here!" Niragi said to Arisu harshly. "Actually, I'm the one who asked him" Chishiya said walking towards us. "Oh yeah, who says you can summon people now?" Niragi asked him. "There's something important he has to hear, so let's go in" Chishiya said looking at Arisu.

I don't know if he noticed me standing next to Arisu but he turned around, Arisu followed after him. "Yasmin, are you coming?" Arisu asked me confused. "Chishiya said he asked you not her" Niragi stated looking at me with a smirk. If he touches me, I will slap him! I am not in the mood! "I asked Arisu to ask her, she needs to hear too" Chishiya stated sighing. He didn't want to notice me but Niragi made him. "Maybe later then babe?" Niragi asked me smirking, the two guys standing with him laughed with a smug chuckle. I hated these guys, "Oh and finally, you aren't covering yourself up with that stupid hoodie. You don't need to, you are sexy you know" Niragi said smirking at me. I grit my teeth with him as I walked past him, luckily for him he didn't make any moves so he didn't get slapped or punched. "Are you okay?" Arisu asked me sighing. "I'll be fine, It's just Niragi and he's a jerk" I stated rolling my eyes. "What's going on anyway?" Arisu asked Chishiya as we walked to the door. I was stood behind them, "Not a clue but it's got to be something pretty serious" Chishiya replied. Chishiya then opened the door, he walked inside, Arisu followed him. "You changed your mind baby?" Niragi asked me as he saw me hesitating. "Screw you Niragi!" I shouted at him as I walked inside the room. He was seriously angering me!

Niragi and the two men who were stood with him entered the room after me. I stood next to Arisu as I looked at what was going on? Hatter? Hatter was laid on a table, his eyes closed. Was he dead? I noticed Ann and the guy who was on the maintenance team run into the room. I think his name was Tatta, that's what I heard Ann calling him anyway? Ann walked over to Hatter, her face in shock. "Apparently he couldn't clear the game, the maintenance team had found him whilst we filling up the gas cans" Tatta explained to Ann. Ann went to touch Hatter but Niragi stopped her, "Hey, do me a favour and keep your hands off him, you're obsessed with dissecting things" Niragi said, his voice sounded bored. I don't think he really cared, he just wanted to be annoying. "This is from a bullet?" Ann questioned confused. A bullet? So hatter was dead? "Did the game he was playing involve guns?" Ann asked still confused. It had to have involved guns, he was at a game when he died? "Seems like it. Apparently people around the game arena heard gunshots" Tatta explained further to Ann. Ann said nothing, she looked confused but also worried, I didn't blame her. "Holy shit! Looks like he should have brought the Militant Corp along with him" Niragi said slightly laughing. Of course he would find a way to make a joke in a serious situation like this! "So now what, what happens to the beach?" A guy who I didn't recognise asked nervously. That was a good question? What was going to happen to the beach? "Nobody says a word about this, understood!" Mira shouted making the guy jump. Obviously. "We don't want people freaking out" Mira said quieter.

"I'll step in as the leader since I'm number two" Kuzuryu said walking forward. That would make sense, all of us executives went up by numerical order if the number one died. "Wait a second, shouldn't the strongest person be the leader?" Niragi asked. What was he doing? "In case you didn't know, we're the ones who have been getting rid of all the traitors but we've been thrown into the shadows this whole time. This bullshit ends now, you got that?" Niragi retorted scrunching up his nose. I managed to pluck up the courage to look at Niragi, he looked at me. He was plotting something, I could tell. "If number one dies, everyone moves up a number. We all knew that" Kuzuryu stated. Just like I said in my mind, It should be Kuzuryu who steps up to be the beaches' new leader. Niragi however had a different plan in mind, "Yeah, well this elitist dictator is dead, the power has shifted hasn't it. Let's just be democratic and go with the majority" Niragi said walking over to Kuzuryu. I had a feeling this wasn't going to be such a free vote, Niragi seemed like the type of person to make sure that he won. My locker key was currently 6 but now that Hatter had died, my locker key number would be 7. "Who here think's that Aguni should be our new leader?" Niragi asked everyone. I knew he was planning something when he spoke up about Kuzuryu stepping in to be the leader. No one responded to Niragi making him roll his eyes. "Are you all serious right now?" Niragi asked in an unimpressed tone. No one replied again.

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