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After playing the six of hearts game, I earned six visa points which meant I had six days to relax sort of. I didn't have to play another game until the fifth night but I still had work to do around the beach. Hatter had made me sit down after bringing more cards to him, he suggested that I made an activity board that would hang up in the entranceway of the beach. Activities like set pool parties, truth or dare, never have I ever? Yeah childish stuff like that but Hatter told me to do it so here I was hanging up the board on the wall, I had written down what he asked and Hatter was happy with it. He just wanted more control over what happened at the beach I think? I had also gotten used to the other executives, there was Ann, she usually wore her sunglasses hiding her eyes unless she was in the conference room having a meeting, Hatter would complain that he wanted to see her eyes. Ann was very pretty, she had short black hair, she also wore a red lipstick just like me. She complimented my lipstick and that's how I figured out she was an executive, after she complimented my lipstick she told me. Ann wasn't very talkative though but I wasn't either so we got along silently. Ann had told me that her speciality was diamonds.

There was also Kuzuryu, he wore glasses and usually had a cold expression on his face. He wasn't very approachable, he was also quite smart that I had seen in the meetings. His speciality was diamonds too just like Ann. He had taken part in many different diamond games and always cleared them without trouble, due to Ann and Kuzuryu we almost had all the diamonds. Then there was Mira, She was very manipulative and she just made me feel like she was hiding something from me and the executives, Mira and I had the same speciality, hearts. Because of this Mira tried talking to me a lot, tried to be friends with me almost? I guess she felt understood maybe? Mira had long black hair and sometimes wore makeup. There were also other executives but I didn't really speak to them. I had really only spoken to Ann, Mira and Hatter. Obviously I had spoken to general Aguni as well but not as much over these past few days, he had been really busy but did congratulate me on my fourth hearts game. I met the other militant corps too, Niragi, he was always carrying a colt m4a1 around with him and he was also always trying to flirt with me any chance he could get, it was really annoying but he didn't care. There was also last boss, that's what I heard Niragi calling him anyway. Last boss was tattooed, really tattooed and he had a massive katana. He wasn't talkative..

People were coming back from the games tonight, I had heard a rumour that Suki had died in one of the games that she played, Jake wasn't around much. I had seen him only twice, he wanted to leave the beach, he didn't want to be here anymore due to Suki being dead. It was sad, not in a upsetting way. In a pathetic way, I had heard from gossip going around the beach that Jake and Suki had met at the beach, they were only sleeping together. They weren't boyfriend and girlfriend like Suki had previously claimed. I was walking back inside the lobby when I saw Hatter leaning against the wall near the doors. "Yasmin, conference room now" Hatter requested as he walked away without explaining. A meeting? We just had a meeting this morning. Why would we need another one? Guess I was going to the conference room then..

I walked into the bathroom as I needed it, I knew Hatter would most likely complain at me for taking a little longer but I would bite back at him over this. I checked my makeup in the mirror after washing my hands, it was fine. After using the bathroom, I approached the conference room door. I didn't really knock, Hatter had told me just to walk into the conference room as sometimes people would be playing poker in here when it wasn't being used by the executives. I was used to the beach now, I had been staying at the beach for a whole week. Time had gone fast, I opened the door and walked inside. "Here she is! My favourite executive!" Hatter said smirking as I closed the door. "What do you want Hatter?" I asked him deeply sighing, still looking at the door. 

"I asked you to come in here because we have a new executive, I asked you specifically because you only became an executive 4 days ago" Hatter said grinning. A new executive? I turned around and looked at Hatter, however my eyes were drawn to a certain blonde sitting at the table smirking as our eyes met. "Chishiya?" I questioned amused by Hatter's decision. "Oh, have you two met?" Hatter asked me grinning. "We were together in the last game" Chishiya said his eyes not leaving mine. "The last game, six of hearts?" Hatter asked him confused. "No five of spades? How many games has she done?" Chishiya asked Hatter curiously. "She's played 5 games, all of them hearts and she's cleared them all" Hatter said still impressed with me. Chishiya looked at me surprised, "Okay, can I go now?" I asked Hatter sighing. "No, come and sit. Let's all get to know each other?" Hatter requested with a smirk. He was doing this on purpose to annoy me. I sighed and pulled a chair away from the table and sat down.

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