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Before I went to bed, I had to say good night to Sakura. I was so angry with myself, letting my voice show my vulnerability around him. What the fuck was wrong with me? Of all the men in this world, why did I have to like Chishiya? The man who got on my nerves for 3 days straight and the man that mine and his parents chosen for me. I walked out to the pool area, Sakura saw me and waved. "I'm going to bed, I'm quite tired" I said to Sakura, Usagi and Arisu. Sakura carefully climbed out of the pool and hugged me, she was dripping from the water and was wetting me too. I hugged her back however then she got back into the pool splashing Arisu. "Night" I said to them, "Night" They replied smiling. I looked around for Dachi and Kuina, they were currently kissing in a corner so I didn't bother them. Dachi was right, I was a weirdo when it came to stuff about my feelings. I sighed walking up to my bedroom, I was a coward because I was afraid to admit my feelings but I was also stubborn. I didn't want my parents to think they had finally won something when it came to me. I opened my door and my face dropped, Chishiya was there laid on my bed throwing a ball up in the air and then catching it? How did he get a ball? Never mind, Chishiya always had random stuff with him. The main question was how did he know where my room was? He didn't look at me until I closed the bedroom door.

"I wasn't leaving the conversation like that, we need to talk" Chishiya said catching the ball one last time then sitting up to look at me. "There's nothing to talk about Chishiya" I said shaking my head and sighing. Chishiya also shook his head but laughed under his breath. He then got up and pushed me towards the wall, he took me by surprise! He grabbed my hands and looked at me directly in my eyes, my face went bright red as our bodies pressed up against one another. "Are you sure about that? Our bodies are only touching? Unless you like it?" Chishiya said letting go of one of my hands to move his hand up my waist. UM! I blushed even further. "Don't lie to me, I've already told you I don't like fake people and I don't want a lying wife" Chishiya said squeezing my waist. I gasped out, it felt good but I had just practically told him. "Come on, Yasmin, tell me" Chishiya said leaning in closer, his lips were inches from mine. Oh god, this was difficult. "Come on.." Chishiya said moving his hand further up my waist to my ribs. Oh my god.. "Why are you doing this?" I asked him blushing. "I'll tell you, if you tell me" Chishiya said moving his hand from my ribs to my chest. Fuck.. I couldn't admit it! I was too stubborn! Little did I know, Chishiya was also battling with the same thoughts in his head, he couldn't admit that he liked the woman he found annoying at first, he couldn't admit he liked the woman his parents wanted him to marry. He hated his parents! He couldn't but the more she didn't speak to him, the more he struggled.. He decided enough was enough..

"Oh fuck sake, you are so stubborn. Just come here!" Chishiya shouted annoyed as he kissed me. My eyes went wide, my eyebrows raised in shock, he didn't stop kissing me. I wouldn't kiss him back, I couldn't, that would be admitting it and Chishiya didn't care. He picked me up, bringing me over to my bed. What was he doing? My heart raced as he laid me down and unzipped my hoodie. Woah!? "Chishiya!" I said blushing. "Shh, if you wont admit it then whatever. I know you like me too" Chishiya said as he thrown my hoodie on my floor. Chishiya's eyebrow raised at the sight of what was hidden under my hoodie. "I see why you hidden your body, it's sexy and I know a lot of men would flirt with you" Chishiya said as he leaned down and kissed my neck. Oh, fuck...! I gasped making him smirk, "Just humour me, tell me" Chishiya said as he sat up. He wasn't going to go any further, not without my consent. "I think it's just this world" I said shrugging. "This world?" Chishiya asked me interested. "I just have a silly little crush on you in this world" I said shrugging. "So you have a crush on me?" Chishiya asked me smirking. "I'll get over it soon" I said sighing, I knew I wouldn't but I couldn't let him know. "What If I don't want you to get over me?" Chishiya asked me smirking again. I looked at him surprised, Chishiya then leant down and kissed me again. I couldn't do it anymore, I kissed him back and he smirked in the kiss. He deepened it, I knew this would drive us further apart. Chishiya didn't want anything to do with me when we got out, he told me that on the roof. He said if we did get married because we had to, it would be a loveless marriage and he would bring other women home.

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