Before - The Agreement

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I turned off my car as I parked outside my parent's house, taking the keys out of the ignition and getting out of the car. I pressed a button, locking my car and walked up the steps to my parent's home. Although it was my parent's home, I still had to knock on the door. We wasn't really a family, not really. Me, my brother and my sister were just there to carry on the family's legacy. Although my father joked around with my brother and didn't care if he acted stupid around important meetings. Now if I did that I would be shouted at. Sakura obviously never got told off because she was a child, I knocked on the door brushing down my uniform again because god help me if it was even slightly messy. My mother answered the door looking at me, "You are late?" My mother questioned me. "Yes I know, I had to do something before coming here" I said to her sighing. "And you couldn't change out of your work clothes?" She asked me shaking her head, "No mother I couldn't" I said getting a little annoyed. My mother shook her head in disapproval but let me inside. "What does my father want? What is this dinner tonight?" I asked my mother, I wasn't expecting an answer from her. I had learned that she would not tell me anything my father planned. She led me into the dining room where I saw my father and a couple. I raised an eyebrow but said nothing, "Now princess, you could have changed your clothes?" My father questioned me. I hated him calling me that, that's the only reason he called it me, because I hated it.

"My daughter has an excellent career path, she's currently a medical student at Sakurazawa University Hospital" My father bragged about me to the couple. "Our son is a medical student there too" The man said to my father. "I don't know if you remember me sweetheart but I am best friends with your mother" The woman explained to me. That didn't quite narrow it down seeing as my mother had three best friends. "Sorry but I don't remember you" I said awkwardly. "Its quite alright, you and my son used to play with each other when you were little. Do you remember that?" The woman asked me curiously. Once again, my mother had three best friends and two of them had sons that I had to play with when I was little. "Sorry no" I said looking away. The woman nodded and looked at my father, "Sorry, I took so long, I got lost" A calm voice said sighing. I recognised that voice, that voice had spoken to me twice today. I didn't turn to look as my father would have shouted at me, yes my father believed that I should wait until the spoken person entered the room. So I waited and my suspicions were confirmed, Chishiya sat next to his father, his eyes drawn to me. "Right, now that Chishiya has joined us again we will now explain what's happening" My father said grinning. I looked at Chishiya confused, "We think because you and Chishiya are both succeeding in your careers that it would be beneficial for the both of you to get married" My father explained to me. I looked at my father slightly amused, "What happened to Ryu?" I asked him a smug smirk on my lips. "Me and your mother decided that it wouldn't work so your mother contacted her best friend, Chishiya's mother about arranging a marriage between the both of you" My father explained sending me a warning look to wipe the smirk off my face.

I sighed deeply and looked at Chishiya, he seemed shocked by our parent's decision and then he looked at me coldly. "No" I said quietly. "There is no arguing Yasmin, it is your duty to carry on our families legacy" My father said raising an eyebrow at me. "I said no" I said a little louder. "I don't care what you said, It is happening and your engagement dinner has been set for in a month. You will be married to Shuntaro Chishiya in 2 months whether you both like it or not!" My father said raising his voice at me. "I hate you" I said coldly. "You can hate me as much as you want Yasmin, I really don't care" My father said shaking his head. "And you ask me where I got my coldness from? Why I hate talking to other people? Why I hate this fucking world!" I shouted at him. "YASMIN NAKUMURA!" My father shouted standing up from the table. "I WILL NOT MARRY HIM! I WILL NOT MARRY RYU! YOU CAN ALL FUCK OFF!" I shouted back at him as I pushed my chair backwards from the table. Chishiya was looking at me shocked that I swore at my parents and his. I walked out of the dining room, ignoring my father shouting and slammed the door closed as I left their house.

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