50 : Burning Embers

Start from the beginning

"Why are you kids so scared of me? I only ever wanted to be as great as them but everyone runs away from me!" He yelled in a tone that made her flinch. The gators eyes were bright and intimidating in the darkness, they glowed like igniting embers. "How is that fair? I even destroyed that rabbit to get where I am, but I feel like nothing's changed! I played their game, I did everything they said, and I've gotten nowhere! Hell, it's even worse than before!"

He laughed hysterically to himself, but to the girl, it sounded more of a angry sob. But as soon as it started, he reverted back, a snarl appearing on his face, his pointy teeth glinting sharply. "You tell no one what I did, little girl! I'll be ruined...You wouldn't want to do that to me, would you?"

She quickly shook her head, and he seemed to relax a little, his shoulders deflating as he started to laugh to himself again, continuing his crazed musings of regret and torment. "You probably think I'm a monster. But if I could take it back, I would! I dream of going back to the way it was! Monsters don't think like that, do they? I'm not lying about this, I lie about a lot of things, but I would never lie about this! I don't care if I'm kicked back into the shadows, I just want to be out of the spotlight!"

The girl listened to his wild ramblings as he continued endlessly about how he regretted his decisions. She felt sorry for him despite the awful things he just admitted to doing, but she didn't know what to say, she was sure he would snap out of it and attack her. Nervousness spread in her when she saw that Monty was growing more and more unstable as the minutes passed by, he started punching and yelling. There was the sound of something flying above them and smacking against the wall, she looked up and saw a large bucket that was conveniently on top of Monty. It was just about tipped over, slowly being filled up with plastic balls, she didn't even realize it was directly above them till this moment.

She watched in dream-like horror as a plastic ball hit the target above it and the bucket was soon completely filled up, it began to tip over at a fast pace, heading straight towards the animatronic and the girl. Despite being beneath it, Monty's reaction time was wickedly fast. He quickly gripped the rim of the bucket with powerful strength, he held it for a few moments with a growl before he began to buckle under its colossal weight. The catwalks cracked and snapped beneath the girl and the animatronic due to the tremendous weight. The girl began to scream as they both began to fall. She cried out as she slid off of the catwalks, she tried to grab anything to save herself but nothing was there. She heard a snap near her as Monty hit a protruding metal railing, and she could only close her eyes in terrors. In seconds, she hit the ground with a resounding thud, right onto her tender shoulder.

Pain lit up the arm she landed on, and she cried out in pain as tears filled her eyes. She held her arm as she curled up into herself, she could practically feel the bruises and cuts burning on her skin like brands. When the pain began to slowly subside, she looked up only to be met with the crushed face of Month staring at her with flickering, vermillion eyes. There were sharp teeth and metal bits sprawled out on the floor, and she could see his endoskeleton beneath the plastic shell. She yelped before sliding back. Monty's face twitched wildly, his eyes dumbly rolling in all directions, words crackled from his voicebox, his final sentient words, coming from a tormented mind full of dreams and regrets.

"You c-can tell that... rabbit to have his g-g-guitar back. Heh... I won't be needing it-it anymore," the animatronic wheezed out with a harsh laugh, the girl stared into his flickering eyes until they finally faded out like dying embers. She felt pity for him, not for the things he's done, but for the person he's become because of the things he's done. He was paranoid, angry, and lost, those types of people were victims to the most manipulation. She was sure she was no exception.

Quiet footsteps sauntered behind her, his golden eyes coldly observed the mutilated body of Monty with empty calculation. He turned towards her and smiled at her, it was a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, "you did a good job, I admire your bravery."

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