Chapter Eight

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Everything is crazy as shit.

–Aithne Melgren's Personal Addendum to The Book of Zarrin.

It has been a few months since my encounter with the–what I consider–only white dragon to ever exist

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It has been a few months since my encounter with the–what I consider–only white dragon to ever exist. Come early September, my stride is at a constant pace. I have tried prying information out of Professor Kaori regarding a white dragon for a 'project' that I am working on, but came to no luck. Eventually, I shook it off as a hallucination.

Currently, we're surrounding the mat as per routine. The past few times that I have been called, rather picked, to brawl on the mat have led to med coming out victorious. But I cannot say that for today.

My eyelids droop as I try to focus on the fight in front of my but to no avail. The challenge on the mat doesn't seem as interesting as it normally would, and the amount of sleep I had certainly doesn't help.

The only thing that keeps me alert is Aspyn standing on my right, our usual positions ever since I beat Imogen those months prior. Her hands casually rest inside the void of her pockets and her shoulders are rolled inward.

A sigh escapes through my nose and Aspyn glances at me in somewhat worry with her ocean eyes. Violets name gets selected to go against a Third Wing woman named Rayma Corrie. From a peek at her face I can instantly make out that she won't be able to walk in a straight line. A courtesy of Violet herself. I'd say it's mercy.

They exchange a few blows, both landing good enough to form a bruise, and Violet makes it out on top. It is to be expected, after all. The woman from Third Wing gets dragged to the Healer's Quadrant to–well, to get healed.

Atleast four other people are called while I doze off on Aspyn's shoulder. Before I wake up, someone violently shaking me. "I'm up! I'm up!" I move my head from left to right repeatedly. Aspyn's silky voice calls out, "You're getting called on next. Best wake up."

I blow air out of my mouth and nod to her in thanks. "Due to some..unforseen situations, your challenger, Vestele Syvis isn't able to fight." Professor Emetterio announces. A giddy feeling makes its way to my chest, but I push it down in order to keep my hopes low.

"That's unfortunate." No emotion crosses my face. "Shall I move off of the–"

I get cut off before I can even finish my sentence by none other than the shadow daddy. 'If he offers to fight me, I will–and I mean I will–get turned on. He's hot as he is, but him fighting? Ooh lala.'

"I'm happy to step in." A smirk threatens to show up on my face but Aspyn elbows me in the guts, reminding me to keep a low profile. "You sure?" Professor asks, glancing over his shoulder to look at him.

"Absolutely." And Xaden walks onto the mat, his expression mirroring my own.

🐉 ~🌷

I cannot say that I haven't expected this day to come. Though, I can say that I didn't expect it to come so soon. But whatever, him fighting is hot in so many ways. It's almost eye candy at this point–even if I'm on the receiving end.

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