Chapter Three

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Blue dragons descend from the extraordinary Gormaileas line Known for their formidable size, they are the most ruthless, especially in the case of the rare blue Daggertail, whose knifelike spikes at the tip of their tail can disembowel an enemy with one flick.

–Colonel Kaori's Field Guide to Dragonkind

It's still early, most likely around 9-ish

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It's still early, most likely around 9-ish. But I can already see that there aren't as many cadets as there were ahead of us in line. Eh, good for them. They don't have to survive this shithole of a place and fear getting killed every day, since they've already gotten killed.

The rain eases into a drizzle as if it had only come to make the easiest part of the Riders Quadrant a bit harder. Well, maybe it had. General Sorrengail could have very much conjured up a storm to get both me and her own daughter killed. Who cares anymore.

My left ankle tingles, a pain shooting up as I try and walk. The time I rolled my foot hitting now. I grunt and Violet side-eyes me. "Are you okay?" She asks in a hushed tone.

I clench my teeth and nod at her, my eyes crinkling at the corners. She looks as if she doesn't believe me but drops it anyway. As if a bulb lights up next to her, her head perks up and she smiles.

I furrow my brows in confusion. "Come on! I met Dain and he asked where you were. Let's go." She drags me by the arm towards the field where a blurry figure of muscle stands. I squint my eyes, trying to see who it is but they're gone by the time my vision clears. 'Am I perhaps hallucinating?' Maybe. Probably.

"You know Vi, I kinda have to pee. Urgent. I'll see you and Dain later?" I smile as sweetly and innocently as I can, gently tugging my arm away from her grasp. I run to where I think the washrooms were, cause I actually have to pee.

The drizzle didn't make it any better. I spot a tall man leaning on a corner of a building. This tall man is quite handsome, with tawny brown skin and black curls. His bronzed skin complements a strong brow line and he was looking right at me.


"Hey dude! Do you know where the nearest washroom is? I kinda have to pee real bad." I shout at him. His eyebrows fly upwards, almost reaching his hairline. Then he looks left and right as if he's trying to see if there's anyone else I could be calling to.

"You, hot dude. Yes, you!" He points at himself, the rebellion relic on his arm glinting against the afternoon sun. I couldn't care less. I have to pee, no other detail matters right now.

"It's in that building over there, sweetheart. My name's Bodhi by the way. Not hot dude." Bodhi smirks as if he regained his confidence after his original shock.

"Well, Bodhi, my name's not sweetheart."

"Then what is it, sweetheart?"

"You'll never get to know." I rush off toward the area that he pointed to with a smile. I finish peeing, and doing my business and then make my way to the field where formation was occurring.

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