The Crystal

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About time you showed up!" Anna shouts from across the room. "I've been stuck with Klinn and Tazzy."

"Wow, it almost sounds like we're annoying or something," Klinn teases.

Jogging across the large white room, Tazzy's mood changes. First smiling, now grimacing at my appearance. "Sorry, mom came home today."

"She is taking it easy I hope," says Wedge, who's prepared for Anna's next swipe.

"Ha, I'd have to tie her to a chair for that to happen. She was the one pushing me out the door. I think she was just wanting me gone so she can go off on some mission." I grab a wooden training sword and casually swing it in a few basic movements- Side cut, up, down, side cut.

"Sounds like her." Klinn taps my sword with his own.

I grin. "I hope you're better than Kio."

He flashes a movie-star smile and gets into stance. "Don't worry. I won't go easy on you."

He makes the first move. Blocking several attacks, I hold firm, unwilling to give up ground. He, however, is far better than Kio. I counter his swift blows with menial energy. Upper right cut, right side cut, backhand, and thrust. I swiped his thrust. Swinging to the upper left, he dodges. A smooth slash down, but he counters. Right upward. Left side slash. Thrust. He deflects a smidge late but manages to lock our swords.

"Tired yet?" I try to break the lock, but he stands strong.

He smirks. "You wish."

Then the sword wobbles and I lose my grip. With a metal clang, I raise my hands in surrender. He flashes his trademark smile.

"I prefer archery anyways," I grin.

"How many weapons are you specialized in?" He laughs, shaking his head and sheaths his sword.

"Just those two. Although I did enjoy ax throwing for a time. You tend to pick up a lot of hobbies when you don't have any friends," I reply, shrugging and picking up my sword.

"Wait, you let Klinn win, right?" Anna asks, eyebrows raised.

"You're just upset because he ranked higher than you in the physical exam." Tazzy sighs.

I don't look at her. Things have been kind of... weird since I healed Oliva. It's like she wants to thank me, but she's still a little bitter.

"Alright, time for Clog Ball," Wedge announces.

A Whoop! Yeah!  comes from Anna and Tazzy. Klinn's mischievous look makes me nervous.

"What's Clog Ball?" I ask, hoping it's not like football or any sporty thing. Swinging a sword and shooting a target I can do, not throwing balls while getting tackled.

"It is a team building exercise. The goal is to get those balls," Wedge points to two small red and blue balls no bigger than a kickball, "and your teammates across the finish line."

"All while trying not to get clogged in the face by the obstacles or other team," Anna throws in. "Oh, maybe now we can team up! No offense, Wedge. You're a great Clogger."

"Actually," he turns to Anna, "I'd like you and Klinn to be on a team. Jamie, you can pair up with Tazzy."

I try my best not to grimace at the thought of working with Tazzy. She looks about as thrilled as I feel. I stand beside her, careful not to make any eye contact.

Wedge dives into the rules. "Each team has a Keeper and a Clogger. The Keeper cares for the ball and must hold onto it throughout the entire game. The Clogger is to watch out for obstacles that may block your way to victory. Throughout the course, there are levers. The levers affect the other team's course. Pull them and they may make it harder for them, or it may make it easier. Both teammates and ball must reach the finish line to win. Is that clear?"

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