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Men want to have sex with me all the time because I look and dress like a slut. I've got big breasts, a big butt, long legs, a flat stomach and blonde hair and blue eyes and I like to paint my face with lots of makeup. Right now my lips are cherry red and my long, false lashes make my baby blue eyes look even more sexy.

Men say to me, "Hey sexy let's go and f." And I usually say, "Heck no. I'm not that kind of girl even if I like to show my body in tight, skimpy clothes. This doesn't give you the right to ask for my body."

For some strange reason they either don't believe me or they get mad and so then sometimes things get real heated and I end up running for my life or hiding in the bathroom like right now. This club belongs to a fat man named Dirk and Dirk owed me some money and so I came to his club to collect the debt but instead his blubber butt arse tried to hand me off to this guy wearing a red checked headscarf and a black Armani suit.

"Sexy, this is my friend.. Abdul." Dirk said. Let me describe Dirk. Just think of a whale in a white robe with chunky gold rings on every finger of his sausage fingers, a receding hairline and tiny, colorless eyes. Dirk is from some country where they have lots of Fjords and so his skin is pink and shiny and what's left of his hair is fine and pale.

"Hello there," Abdul has a thick accent, dark skin, heavy black brows and a thick black beard. He's about five feet ten and surrounded by men in plain black suits and sunglasses. "Let me buy you a drink."

"I don't drink anything but water." I say which shocks him. "But I'm not thirsty. Dirk, can we please talk in private?"

I'm trying my best to show the fat jackass some respect but my patience is quickly wearing thin. Dirk's beady eyes glance at Abdul who's frowning at me which is a sight to behold because of his uni-brow. I don't know much about Arab men but I'm pretty sure that he doesn't like me ignoring him. Well, I don't care. I'm not here looking to be someone's dump off girl tonight.

"Hey, hey, hey. Be nice to my friend," Dirk waves his sausages in Abdul's scowling face and then walks away. You know how certain big men seem to glide across the floor like the Titanic sailing across the ocean? Well, Dirk isn't that graceful and when he walks the floor shakes.

"Hey, wait a minute-" I yell after his broad back and that's when an iron hand clamps itself around my wrist and I slowly turn my head and focus incredulous eyes on the hairy, brown hand belonging to Abdul.

"Baby, you need to pay attention to me. I'm the most important man in this room and I can make you feel really... special." his oily accent rolls off his tongue like honey and the sound of it turns my stomach like I'd just eaten something nasty.

"With all due respect, Mr..ah..Abdul but can you please take your hand off'a me?"

His white teeth flash in an insincere smile while his cruel brown eyes size me up like I'm a wad of gum stuck to the bottom of his Armani patent leather derby shoes and I sense violence brewing.

"In my country, a woman does not speak to a man in such a way. You American whores need training."

What the heck? My mouth fell open and then I flung his hand off, stood up from the table and hauled arse because I've seen this psycho type of dude before and it wasn't exactly safe or healthy for a woman to try to mouth off to him.

Over my shoulder I saw Abdul send one of his goons after me which made me put more pep in my step as I made a beeline for the women's room.

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