Chapter 02

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Beautiful Moon

Chapter 2

Silence. No movement. I observed my surroundings perfectly, my every step was taken with a deliberate purpose and precision, each one carefully placed for an ideal balance of stealth and efficiency. Every slight movement of my body was planned and executed with caution, as I kept a vigilant eye on my surroundings, watching the leaves fall, the birds fly, and the squirrels dart through the trees. It was a peaceful scene, unlike the chaos and turmoil of my life, and it was during these moments that I would allow myself the luxury of letting my thoughts wander and clear my mind.

I couldn't help but be transported back to the days of my youth as I felt the gentle spring breeze tickle my skin, the warmth of the sunshine caress my face, and the sweet and calming scent of the lush greenery surrounding me. The beauty of the scenery and environment around me evoked such vivid and nostalgic memories of home, of my childhood walks through the forest path along the hill that overlooked the lake. It was a bittersweet feeling as I thought back on my simpler and carefree days of the past.

With my training and discipline, I carried myself as silently as a whisper, moving with the fluidity and stealth of the water that I was surrounded by. I withdrew my sword in preparation for the arrival of my opponent, listening intently to the sounds of the forest to gain an advantage. The trees, the water, the animals - every small movement within my surroundings was taken into account, as I waited in anticipation for the moment that my enemy would step within my reach. I was ready, my every breath and movement focused and prepared for what was to come.

Closer. Come closer. My whole body instantly froze as my sharp ears caught the sound of a snap, the distinct snapping noise coming from my surroundings that was so out of place within the tranquil sounds of the forest. My senses went into overdrive as I suddenly felt a presence nearby, the steps of my opponent coming closer, ever so slightly, yet so perceptibly. My heart began to race in quick bursts of excitement, the thrill of the battle taking my breath away.

My battle instincts kicked in, and I reacted quickly as I swiftly lifted my sword and turned to face my opponent. He was a skilled and talented warrior, with exceptional defense yet no match for my sheer athleticism and speed. Within a few swings of my sword, I managed to keep up the attack and push him nearly to the edge of the nearby cliff. With a final strike, I knocked him down into the shallow river below, bringing a swift end to our brief but intense encounter.

As the adrenaline subsided, I found myself snapping out of my battle frenzy and returning to reality, facing the aftermath of my attack. I suddenly realized what I had just done.

"Aww geez..." he muttered, letting out a weak laugh. The sound of a soft sigh beneath me caught my attention, and I looked down to see my friend slightly taken aback by the scene before him. "I think you have overdone it a little bit."

"Uhh..." I jumped down the cliff and stood just before the river. "I'm sorry, Hiroki."

"How did you know I was behind you?" He asked, standing up and out of the river. "No need to apologize," he chuckled weakly, his tone still sarcastic and his voice barely audible. "It was a good fight. I'm the one who should be sorry for underestimating you."

As I finished sheathing my sword, my attention was drawn to two more people who had joined the scene between myself and Hiroki. The two of them were a male and a female, both of whom had jumped down from the cliff and approached the edge of the river. They kept a distance, standing several feet in front of us, but still close enough that I could see their faces clearly.

"You fell in the river!?" The girl looked at Hiroki with an amused expression. "Well, I suppose that is what you get for going after Mizuki."

"Yeah, yeah," Hiroki's tone remained teasing and playful as he dried himself off and looked back at me, his smirk still in place. "One day Mizuki...I am going to beat you. Just wait and see. I will catch you off guard." There was a slight edge to his voice, one that suggested he was determined to beat me someday. His comment was met with a grin from me, as the light-hearted banter was one that I was accustomed to having with the rival that he had become.

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