[Chapter VII] | Classroom of the Elite

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Every single one of the students in Class D, minus a few, were simply dumb struck. Dumbfounded expressions on their faces as they stared at their teacher, Chabashira-sensei staring at them with a slight smirk on her face, clearly enjoying the expressions they were wearing. She called them dumb, a majority of the students in the class having spent every single one of their points.

And even though it was May 1st, not a single point was deposited into their account.

They were frustrated, confused, and dissatisfied with their current disposition. Especially Horikita. Suzune is a smart girl, that much is for certain, having scored at most a ninety or above on a majority of the tests that had been given to them. She was no slouch when it came to physical activities, the gym teacher noting that she was well fit enough to keep up with those who would be considered school athletes. And with all of this evaluation, Suzune considered herself to be a caliber that didn't belong to this class. Someone that was considered superior to these supposed idiots.

So for a teacher to call her dumb, looking at her as if she was some sort of trash, made Suzune think of nothing but spite for Chabashira. She was far from an idiot. As far as she was concerned, she didn't consider herself a social recluse, but as merely someone who thinks that the prospect of interacting with someone won't be able to help her achieve the goals that she desires, seeing them as nothing more than a waste of time. Therefore, Suzune found it logical that she didn't even need to fraternize with these people of a lower caliber. After all, it's not her fault that they've been placed in this class, merely their fault because of their lack of ability for certain things. Which made it all the more frustrating to see that the teacher had deemed her to be as low as them.

Suzune scowled and gritted her teeth. 

"Hahaha! I see. So, it's like that then, sensei?" A rather arrogant voice spoke up with a booming laughter. Everyone looked to the arrogant blonde, Kouenji leaning back in his chair with his eyes closed, legs propped up onto his desk. "I think I've sold the mystery. It's simple. We're in Class D, so we didn't receive a single point."

Hondou looked at Kouenji with confusion. "Huh? What are you talking about? They said that we'd get 100,000 points every month—"

"I don't remember hearing that, though. Do you?" Kouenji turned his gaze to Chabashira, boldly pointing at her.

"While he certainly has an attitude problem," Chabashira began, sighing at Kouenji's behavior, "Kouenji is exactly right. For crying out loud, barely anyone seems to have noticed the hint I gave you. How deplorable."

Once again, the class erupts into an outcry. Many were still demanding that they receive the points they were supposed to be issued, a few stating their confusion, while others merely remained in their seats, sitting there quietly as they didn't wish to be dragged into the conversation. Horikita made a glance at her seat neighbor next to her, curious as she raised an eyebrow at him, the red-haired teen simply sitting there with his eyes closed. It was like he was enjoying the ensuing chaos that was occurring. Having no care in the world at the moment.

"Sensei, may I please ask you a question? I'm afraid I still don't understand," Hirata asked, raising his hand as he had chosen to be the voice for a majority of the confused students. Taking the initiative and acting out of selfish concern. Just as expected as the de facto Class D leader. "Can you please tell us why we didn't receive any points? We won't completely understand otherwise."

Chabashira merely sneered. "A total of ninety-eight absences and late arrivals. Three hundred ninety-one incidences of talking or using a cell phone in class. That is quite a few infractions over one month. In this school, your class results are reflected in the points that you receive. As a result, you wasted all of 100,000 points that you should have received. That's what happened."

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