[Chapter I] | Asahi Himuro

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It was a beautiful sunny day, nothing out of the ordinary in Tokyo, Japan.

Driving down the road of a residential area, stopping and pulling over on the side of the road, the side door opens. A young teenager, freshly young at the age of fifteen, exits the sleek black car. He had bright crimson red, spiky hair, quite long, in fact. Had bangs that covered his face, the back of his hair reaching to about the bottom of his neck.

His eyes were the same color, a little bit more of a reddish maroon. Though his irises looked similar to those of snakes, or better yet, a dragon's.

An old man could be seen in the driver seat of the sleek black car

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An old man could be seen in the driver seat of the sleek black car.

"Himuro-sama, are you sure it's alright for me to drop you off here?"

"Yes. Besides, I won't be coming home from this day on," the boy sharply replied, his voice having a bit of a silver tongue to it. "The campus will be my home now."

The old man nodded. "I see. Then, have a good day, Himuro-sama."

The boy said one more thing. "Also, you can let me have this much, correct?"

"What's that?"

"You don't have to check in on me a lot during my time at school. I would like to have a little more freedom than at home. Father doesn't need to know every single detail."

The old man smiled. "Very well, Himuro-sama. Then, until you return home."

"Yes. Goodbye, Ichizawa-san."

Closing the side door, he bids his chauffeur farewell. Asahi knew that he wouldn't be going home until he graduated from his new school.

Speaking of his new school, he walked down the block and stopped at the bus stop sign that was there. In a few seconds, the bus pulled in and he got on. This was the start of his new life at his new school.

Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School.


Upon arrival at the school, Asahi got off the bus, like a normal student would.

Well, normal wouldn't be what to describe him, considering his upbringing. Coming from a well known family, although he isn't one to blatantly brag about his family's fortune and reputation, he received quite the looks from both sides of his family. The facial features of his father and the eye and hair color of his mother. His looks weren't the only thing to cement his upbringing, but the way his father raised him.

The most simple thing he had been ever taught was to win. Losing was never an option.

And thus, he had that mindset drilled into him ever since he could read or write. But due to the location of this school and how it was funded by the government, he was allowed to do as he pleased. While he still had the guideline of his father still burned into his mind, he was now allowed the freedom of doing whatever he wanted. However, there was still a catch, but Asahi was told he'd find out as soon as he arrived at the school. But his first order of business was to head for the school's auditorium. A usual thing to be done for new arrivals was to attend the opening ceremony.

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