[Chapter IV] | Exuding One's Power

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Asahi arrived back in time for his dorm.

Setting his groceries down at the table, he sighed in exhaustion. Now that he thought about it, the activities he had done today were more tiring and exhausting than he had expected for them to be. Especially with how something curious came to mind regarding what those second-years had said. That "hell" was just about to begin soon.

Peculiar, really. He did hear some rather interesting things regarding this school, especially saying how it was quite a challenge, but as far as he was concerned, he figured that these things would largely be stepping stones for him. Something that would hardly be worth his time. But it couldn't hurt to be curious or interested in what this school had in store for him. He supposed he could spare a bit of curiosity for it.

But for now, he took a bit of a look around of his surroundings that would be his home for the next four years here. This little dorm room of his was quite empty, except filled with the usual necessities.

A table in the center with chairs, a reasonably-sized bed in the corner with a nightstand next to it, and a desk on the opposite side of the bed. Next to his desk was the open area that led into the kitchen, fitted with a microwave above the range which also had an oven built into it. Along with the microwave, built in under it was the ventilation system, the switch to turn it on was just a few centimeters away. All in all, the dorm room was fairly simple and at least livable, and it was very well suited to his needs.

Situating himself at the edge of his bed, Asahi took out the handbook he had received at the reception desk that contained the various rules and other detailed information he would need to know. The most basic things listed out were the dates for garbage disposal, sorting it correctly and putting plastics in a separate bag that wasn't in with cardboard or paper. There was other notable information about living in the dorm, such as not making excessive noise so disturbances or annoyances wouldn't be caused to the other dormmates. However, the notes that were listed in bold letters were to not waste the electricity or water, but other than that, they didn't seem to place any restrictions on those whatsoever. This school really was quite lenient in order to give students the so-called "perfect" school life.

Another thing they noted in the handbook was that unsuitable romances were frowned upon. The short answer to this was basically saying that sexual intercourse was strictly forbidden. If that was the case, he wondered why the doors were co-ed, especially since this is a high school. Normally, he heard you'd see these kinds of things in colleges or universities, but a majority of the schools he's seen with dorms were strictly separated into girls' and boys' dorm rooms. Still, a surprise, nonetheless.

With a stretch as he stood up, cracked his neck and knuckles at the same time, he figured it was time to make something for dinner. Despite coming from a prominent household and being quite privileged, he knew a thing or two when it came to managing housework and such. He eventually figured that one of these days that he might be living alone for a time, so it was better for him to develop the necessary skills to survive, that being cooking, laundry work, and other house-based skills. Taking his groceries into the kitchen with him, he took out whatever the things he needed and placed whatever was left he didn't think he'd use for the moment into the fridge. He figured he'd go with a simple dish, something easy to make that wouldn't be too complex, but also something that wouldn't be time consuming to make.

Grabbing a chopping board and a kitchen knife, he cut up some green and orange peppers along with some tomatoes and onions, and placed them into a bowl. In a separate bowl, he cracked two eggs and beat them, soon dumping his cut up vegetables into along with some ground pork he had also previously purchased at the store. Afterward, he went to the stove top and got out a pain, put it on a medium heat and waited for it to warm up enough so he could start cooking. While he waited, he went over to the rice cooker and cooked himself a couple of cups of rice, which would be finished in about fifteen or so minutes, a little bit after he was done making his omelette.

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