Chapter 01

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Beautiful Moon

Chapter 01

It was a time defined by Kings, Lords, and peasants; the social structure of the feudal system. While the peasant class toiled away on farms to provide food for their lords and masters, the upper class lived a lavish and comfortable life within the confines of stone castles and city living. Every aspect of life was dictated by wealth, power, and status, with the various rights and privileges afforded only to the nobles while the lower classes were worked to death and had no say in the laws that governed their everyday lives.

It was a typical November night, the air crisp and cold, with the stars of the universe gleaming overhead. Despite the cold temperature, there was no sign of snow falling just yet, although the night held the promise of something more to come. The season was gradually changing, the leaves now shed from the trees and the lands approaching winter, but in the small village nestled amongst the forests of Highland, it was just like any other night where the men would go out fishing and hunting to prepare for the upcoming long winter months, while the women and children would stay at home tending to the needs of the households and other duties that needed tending to. This small fishing village was a quiet and simple place, far away from the battles and struggles of war, existing peacefully and undisturbed even when the kingdoms of Highland were facing conflict in the southwest region. The villagers did not participate in these conflicts and lived lives uninterrupted by the outside world, content with their simple way of life and peaceful existence far from the chaos and turmoil.

But to look down upon a more observant character, my life would forever be changed no matter what path I was to chose.

At the tender age of seven, I was unique from the rest of the children in the village. I was strong, dedicated, and had a compassionate and caring attitude towards those around me, always sporting a wide smile on my face and ready to lend a helping hand to those who needed it. My father was a retired warrior who used his skills and expertise to teach me and my older brother the art of sword fighting. My mother was the main caretaker of the family's hut and, like many of the women in the small fishing village, tended to the everyday needs of their families and the community as a whole, ensuring that all were fed, cleaned, and cared for. I also had an older brother, who, though only nine years of age, was already exhibiting many of the attributes that would set him up to be an excellent warrior and leader of men just like our father. He followed in his footsteps in learning the art of sword fighting, displaying a sharp intellect and a lively energy that would serve him well throughout his life.

I felt that I had everything I could ever need. A loving family that provided for and taught me, and lived in a small but comfortable village that I had adapted and grown to love with each passing day. I enjoyed doing various everyday tasks, such as helping to fish, cook, clean, or assist the other villagers. I was truly blessed and fortunate to have found myself in a loving environment where I could thrive and be the person she was meant to be.

It seemed as if everything was settled in my life. A comfortable and peaceful existence seemed to be guaranteed, with no signs of any threat or danger lurking in the shadows. But one fateful night, brought about an unexpected and drastic change to all of their lives.

As the sky was clear, I would often make my way down to the nearby lake, where I would sit in the grass and gaze up at the beautiful night sky and the moon sparkling up at me from across the water. It was indeed a truly beautiful night, with the water calm and tranquil, a tranquilness that allowed me to ponder on my life as it was and think about what might happen on the banks of the lake, I would look up towards the heavens. My eyes darted from the bright shining stars to the illuminating full moon above, to the clear night sky, and back again, allowing myself a brief moment to marvel at how beautiful the world is. I could hear the waves lapping quietly against the shore, a soothing sound that helped me to forget my worries and clear my mind of all my troubles. At this moment, everything in the world felt right, and I was at peace.

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