Small misunderstanding

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Hello, Just thought I'd add a little something before you read this chapter. By no means is this what actually happened between Katie and Caitlin, I thought that it could make sense with their timelines and I didn't like the idea of Katie cheating on Rue so this is my interpretation, take it with a grain of salt and if you don't like it then stop reading, also don't forget to let me know what you're thinking about each chapter. xx

As Katie heard footsteps approaching the door, she suddenly felt very nervous to have this conversation with Caitlin. She was expecting Caitlin to be upset, I mean who wouldn't be after your best friend had ignored you for two weeks and then calls up acting like nothing happened. But Katie didn't realise talking to her best friend would make her this nervous.

The door opened, Caitlin stood there in a pair of tracks and one of her Australian t-shirts.

"Hey..." Katie sighed, staring at Caitlin trying to read for her vibe.

"Hey." Caitlin simply said, not moving.

"So... can I come in or are we talking out here?"

"Are you sure you want that?"

"Yes Cait I really need to talk to you and I'd prefer to do that in your warm warm house rather than the cold outside."

Caitlin stepped aside to let her in and then walked to the couch where they could sit and talk and let Katie shut the door.

Well this is going to be more difficult than I thought. Katie thought to herself and then sat next to her friend. There was a pause because Caitlin was being stubborn and didn't want to say the first word so she waited for Katie to speak up.

"Um," Katie cleared her throat. "I guess you need an explanation why I kinda ignored you for the past 2 weeks."

"Yeah that'd be great."

"Well, I guess I'll start with why I distanced myself from you. So I was on my phone one morning before training, just scrolling on instagram, and then I got a notification saying I was tagged in a post so I clicked on it, it was a picture of you and me at a game, the game against Liverpool you remember that?"

Caitlin nodded, starting to ease up again. The game against Liverpool was a good game, they won 2-0 and Caitlin shot a goal as-well.

"I gave you a hug after you scored that goal, that's what the photo was, and the caption underneath the photo said "I wish someone would look at me the way they look at each other" and all the comments were saying they wished we were in a relationship." Katie looked for Caitlin's reaction to all of this but Caitlin just looked at her waiting for her to continue. "An- and I guess it kind of scared me. I'm in a relationship with a girl I love, the same girl I've loved for the past seven years, she's great, she's so kind and loving and not to mention hilarious and she-" Katie was cut off.

"Alright Katie I get it you love her, you didn't come all the way over here just to tell me that so get on with that." Caitlin said getting impatient.

"Despite all of that, and despite how much I do love Rue, I can't help it when my mind always turns to you." Katie said, now looking away from her friend.

There was a pause until Caitlin spoke up, "What do you mean Katie," Caitlin said slowly, "I don't know what you mean."

"I mean that I am always thinking about you, I'm always wondering what you're doing or who you're talking to. I want to be involved in your conversations, I want to be the reason you laugh and I want to be the reason you get that funny feeling in your stomach." Katie paused for a second, letting that sink in for Caitlin, "And I'll totally understand if you feel weirded out by this, I'll leave you alone and you'll never hear from me again."

"Uhm, this is a lot Katie." Caitlin paused looking away from her friend now. "I mean like you said, you have a girlfriend, of seven years."

"I know, I've decided I'm going to break up with Rue sometime soon, not because of you so don't feel like it's because of you, after seven years you really do get to know someone very very well and people can change from what they were initially like, and I think you have helped me realise that Rue and I aren't good for each other anymore."

"Katie... I do have feelings for you but I've had to push them down because you are in a relationship, and until that changes, nothing can happen between us."

"I know," Katie said looking down, "I know." It now dawned on Katie that she would be breaking up with her girlfriend that she had had for the past 6 and a bit years.

"Don't think too much Katie, just do what you want, do what feels right." Katie looked up after Caitlin said this, she looked directly into her eyes and was about to lean in but then heard the front door open.

"Cait! I'm home," Jordan stopped when she saw Katie, "Oh hey Katie! Feel like I haven't seen you in ages," Katie got up to give Jordan a hug hello, "have you two finally made up over whatever you two were fighting over?"

"Yeah, we just had a small misunderstanding." Katie said.

"Yeah sure, whatever. Anyways, what do you guys want for dinner?" Jordan asked, deciding not to pry on whatever she just walked in on.

And that was that, Katie had told Caitlin that she had feelings for her and as did Caitlin but it was all left up in the air for the duo to work out later. Katie went home after dinner to find a very quiet Rue, but this time Katie didn't try to cheer her up, she didn't even say anything, she had too much to think about.

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