The break up

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On the 6th of March, Arsenal had won the Conti Cup against Chelsea, this obviously lead to a very big celebration that night, which saw everyone going out to a bar and drinking until the early hours of the morning. Katie had been the one to drink significantly more than anyone else so Caitlin suggested she come back to hers and Lia's place and sleep on the couch because she didn't want Ruesha to feel bombarded with a drunk Katie. Katie and Caitlin stayed up a bit later still just talking about the win, whilst Lia went to sleep listening to the two girls laugh, without her.

Caitlin went to her and Lia's bedroom about an hour later. Lia was facing away from the door and to the outside of their double bed, which was odd because normally she would face the middle of the bed waiting for Caitlin to come in and give her a cuddle. Caitlin stripped her clothes off and got into bed, wrapping Lia up into a big bear hug from behind with Caitlins naked body pressed up against Lia's fully clothed back. Caitlin started to kiss up and down Lia's shoulder, slowly making her way down to her lower back and trying to lift her shirt off.

"Don't Caitlin." Lia said whilst shrugging Caitlin off.

"What's wrong baby?" Caitlin said whilst rubbing Lia's side up and down.

Lia turned around and pushed Caitlin further away so she would stop touching her. "You spent the whole night with another girl and now that we're alone and you're drunk, now is when you want me?" She said in a judgmental tone.

"What?" Caitlin was very confused, she didn't realise anything was off with her girlfriend the whole night, that may have been because she spent most of the night with other girls talking about the game and drinking instead of with her girlfriend, but was that a bad thing?

"Caitlin, don't act dumb, I've mentioned so many times to you that it seems like you have feelings towards Katie and not once have you ever proven me wrong or even attempted to prove me wrong." Lia was speaking calmly but a single tear came down her cheek and landed on the pillow between them. "I... I think our time is up."

The realisation of this conversation had just hit Caitlin and she sobered up quite quickly once those words left Lia's mouth. "Lia, what do you mean, I love you, Katie is just a friend." Caitlin said whilst reaching her hand out to cup Lia's face, but she just moved her head away.

Lia just sighed and said the next few things slowly so that Caitlin could take it all in. "Look, it's been a great past 3 years, however these past few months I think we both realised you began to fall out of love for me, that's fine its the way you feel, but I'm not going to stay with you because what's the point? For once I have to be selfish, so I have to leave, for you but also for me. I love you Caitlin and I don't blame you." Lia kissed Caitlin on the forehead got out of bed and grabbed some clothes and before leaving out the door Caitlin spoke up.

"Wait, I can leave, you shouldn't have to be the one to leave, I will move in with someone else. I promise." She spoke quickly and through tears, basically confirming what Lia was saying.

"You can stay here tonight so that you can pack your things up tomorrow morning. I still want to be civil with you, so we will talk tomorrow at training." She paused. "Goodbye Caitlin." And that was it, she was gone, the front door closed quietly knowing that Katie was asleep on the couch in the other room. Caitlin let her self sink back into their bed and slowly let her self break down before she fell asleep again.

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