Literally Two-Faced

Start from the beginning

Once he says that, something clicks in Harry's head and he books it for the exit. "Stop him!" My dad yells and Quirrel made a fire barrier and Harry stopped in his tracks. I just felt really hot so I changed myself into a light turtleneck tank top and some leggings.

"Don't be a fool. Why suffer a horrific death when you can join me and live?" Dad said with too much fake in his voice. "Never!" Harry screamed and I just shook my head trying to hold down a laugh, but I couldn't contain it. So I let my laugh travel around the room and when I saw Harry's face he was giving me a dirty ass look and dad was looking in amusement.

"Why are you laughing? You should be scared since you're my sister and we both killed him! He should be trying to kill you, but you're just here laughing!" Harry yelled at me so I gave him the finger and I heard both Quirrel and Dad chuckling. "Seems she is the twin with guts. But that makes sense seeing as who she is." My dad said and Harry seemed confused.

It seemed that Dad was back in with talking to Harry because he gave him his attention. "Haha. Bravery. Your parents had it too. Tell me, Harry, would you like to see your mother and father again? Together, we can bring them back." Dad said. "All I ask for is something in return." Dad continued and Harry took the stone out of his pocket.

"That's it, Harry. There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it. Together, we'll do extraordinary things. Just give me the Stone!" Dad demanded and I yawned. I was annoyed with this and just wanted to get something to eat.

I saw Harry look into the mirror before screaming, "You liar!" Dad looked outraged and yelled, "Kill him!" Quirrel complied and he flew to Harry and started to strangle him. The stone fell out of Harry's reach and I was watching with amusement.

Then, Harry put his hands on the hand that was strangling him and started pushing it away. Quirrel screamed and yelled, "What is this magic?!?!" I laughed, pointing at them. "Fool, get the stone!" Dad yelled and I nodded, smirking.

Quirrel walks over to Harry, who puts his hands on his face, causing it to disintegrate. Then, Quirrel began to turn to ashes and my eyes widened. A shadow flew out of Quirrel and passed through Harry, knocking him out.

I saw a face and it said, "Stay with him during the summer. And keep up this facade until you don't need to anymore. Plus, I know that you'll be able to keep in touch. And not just with me, definitely your friends, and a certain blonde boy?" He then smirked and I was smiling nervously.

"See you next year. Also, go to the second-floor girl's bathroom and speak parseltongue to each of the faucets. One of them will open to a passage and there will be a servant that will do only the direct descendants of Slytherin. Stay safe. See you soon." He said and left.

I went to were the stone was and I picked it up and turned it into the perfect fit for my choker. I added it into it for safe keeping then put a cut on my cheek and put some dirt on me. I then laid down pretending to be passed out.

I heard someone coming in and I heard Dumbledore humming. He picked us both up with magic and started bringing us to the hospital wing. I 'woke up' after we made it to the floor the hospital wing was on. I lifted my head up and asked, "Where are we?" He seemed shocked but turned to me with a smile.

"I'm taking you two to the hospital wing since you guys faced Voldemort." He told us and I nodded. When we made it to the hospital wing, he placed us both down calling for Madam Pomfrey. I sat up and she came over to me and started putting stuff on my face and I guessed it was something to clean the cut. She then waved her wand and I felt like there never was a cut.

I did magic to clean myself up and she told me I could go back to my common room. I left to the common room and I made it to my dorm, taking a shower and getting on my pajamas. The moment my head hit the pillows, I felt myself knocking out.

A/n The next chapter was too short so I added it into this one

Goodbye For Now

I got up and started heading around doing my normal things. I was playing cards with Draco and Pansy when people started pointing at me and I rolled my eyes. "Do you know why they're staring at you?" Pansy asked and I giggled.

"They think that I helped put a stop to Voldemort for the second time, when really I sat there doing nothing." I told them with a shrug and they laughed. I turned into my fox and curled up next to Draco. He started petting me and I yawned. I closed my eyes and started to sleep.

When I woke up, I noticed that I was back in my human form on the couch. I saw blonde hair above me and I smiled into Draco's chest. He woke up and looked at me smiling. "Come on. We are most likely going to win house cup!" I exclaimed dragging off of the couch. We fixed ourselves up before heading over to the Great Hall, sitting next to our friends.

The banners showed the Slytherin crest and it was silver and green. McGonagall hit her cup and we all stopped talking and looked at her.

"Another year gone. And now, as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding. And the points stand thus: In fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points." Dumbledore started earning a weak clap. "Third place, Hufflepuff with 352 points." Dumbledore contined with it barely having a louder applause.

"In second place, Ravenclaw with 426 points." Dumbledore continued earning a cheer as well as claps. "And in first place, with 472 points, Slytherin house." Dumbledore finished and we jump up cheering loudly.

"Yes, yes, well done, Slytherin. Well done, Slytherin. However, recent events must be taken into account. And I have a few last-minute points to award." My face fell once he said that. Of course Slytherin can't win.

"To Miss Hermione Granger, for the cool use of intellect while others were in grave peril, 50 points. Second, to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years, 50 points. And third, to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house 60 points." Dumbledore said and I realized that we were now tied.

"And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award 10 points to Neville Longbottom." He finished and the other houses cheered.

"But, I could never forget about the last one. I award 50 points to Ace Potter for protecting family even if you aren't in the same house." Dumbledore said and Slytherin cheered loudly and everyone else groaned.

I smiled and gave Draco a big hug. I then saw Hermione glaring at me so I gave her the finger. She looked away and we all laughed.


Soon we had to go. I got onto the train and went into a compartment with my friends and we were talking about what we were going to be doing this summer.

"I was thinking you all could come to my manor for the last week of summer." Draco told us and we all smiled, agreeing. I knew that Petunia and Vernon would let me.

Soon it was almost time to leave. I flicked my wrist and I got put in a black turtleneck with a green plaid skirt with a thick belt and chains. Then, knee high black socks and black combat boots.

When we got to the station, we got our stuff and got off the train

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When we got to the station, we got our stuff and got off the train. I saw that Harry was leaving through the station and I gave Draco a hug before I left and then I ran through the portal.

I saw the Dursley's car and ran over to it. They saw me and opened up the trunk. I flicked my wrist and all my stuff went in it. I then entered the car and sat next to Dudley.

We were catching up while we were driving back to 4 Privet Drive. I was just thinking about next year though.

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