Chapter 19

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Vegas pov

1 month later...

The boys have been doing really good at adapting to life in Taiwan. I happy to see both of them wearing constant smiles which I haven't seen anyone smile around me minus Pete until we moved here.

I hate that my father had that much power over Macau that he didn't even feel like he could smile or show any sign of happiness. I have connections back in Taiwan that are constantly giving me updates about what the main family is doing. I am honestly surprised that shit is still holding together because there is a lot of shady shit that happens between my uncle and cousins.

I am sitting in the home office doing some paperwork for the job Jay gave me. It is a tiny corporation that is really just a way of covering the trauma that most of the people working in have went thru. I think it is really nice that somehow Jay has found people that have horrible experiences.

Recently Pete and me have been going on dates when we both have free time. Beomhan got Pete a job at an idol company as an assistant. Beomhan is known to be an idol in the eyes of livestreams and fan meetings. So you can more or less say that Pete is Beomhan's personal assistant.

I scroll all the emails awaiting the time where I can go home to my family. Venice has been getting so big. We will put him in preschool soon instead of having the maids that Pete still has trust issues with watching them. I read one line of the preview of an email and I automatically want to punch my desk.

'The Theerapanyakun family, We would like to invite you to....'

It has honestly been awhile since I have been addressed like that but everything usually involving my last name doesn't end good. I drag into my spam folder without a second thought.

I look at the time in the bottom corner of my desktop and it indicates 6pm. I get up from my chair after turning off my computer and walk out the glass door with everything I brought in the morning. I hail a taxi and tell them to drive to Pete's work, we have been planning a date night since this is the first free time we have had together in a while. The driver drops me off and immediately have to go to security and get cleared so they don't think I am some obnoxious fan.

I get cleared and head towards beomhan's office. I open the door to the most beautiful noise that makes me smile. I see Pete and Beomhan laughing at some memes on Beomhan's phone. I clear my throat to get the besties attention.

"Oh Vegas! You are finally here! We have been waiting for you." Pete says getting up to get his coat.

"You're stealing my wife? I don't think so he likes me better ain't that right Pete?" Beomhan says grinning, I know he is just joking but still stay in line.

"Beomhan, want me to tell Jay you are cheating on him? I know that would be a great punishment; with the consequence of probably not walking for a week?" I say rhetorical.

His grin slowly goes down to a nervous smile.

"Hahahaha.... Okay Pete you better leave with Vegas now before I die and can't sit correctly for awhile." Beomhan says pushing Pete towards me and then pushing us both out his door. He shuts before we can even say goodbye.

"That wasn't nice Vegas you know he was just messing around? And he is also my boss, so keeping doing shit and you will have me fired." He says supposed to sound angry but in all honesty it sounded cute.

I wrap my arm around his waist and pull him close to me. He turns my way to look at me and I react by kissing him on the forehead. I can't believe he is mine to call my wife/husband.

"I was just showing him that I could joke that way too. It really isn't that bad and plus it was an empty threat or was it?" I say grinning which makes Pete punch me lightly in the rib cage.

Time skip~

We arrive at the restaurant and get sat our reserved table. I order a bottle of wine and as we are waiting, we have small talk.

"Babe I have to say this past month has been the most relaxed I have ever been in my life. I mean the boys seem to be adapting in a very positive way. Especially, Macau he smiles so much ever since he has gotten here. And finally you, you have yet to go back to a depressing, asshole self. I believe this change was definitely in a positive light." Pete says looking at me with his beautiful smile.

"I am glad you are enjoying yourself but I have a feeling this is just the calm before the storm you know? Like I am the son of a once very hated mafia leader Pete, the reason we left Thailand was not because everything was okay but because everything was fucked up. You think they aren't looking for us at every give moment. You think, you think- ..."

"Breath Vegas... everything is fine look we are out in public acting like normal people. There is many people we seek refuge for different reasons it just so happens that ours is serious and stupid at the same time. We have the boys, friends and let alone each other, so just relax and let's just enjoy each other's company. This is the first time in the past month we have each had free time off of work. Let's make the most of it." Pete says grabbing my hand from across the table, slowly caressing it and looking at me in the eyes with a suggestive heat.

I can't say I am complaining. We haven't really been intimate since the car ride to the airport. I mean I have been wanting to but just keeping it at a pace that Pete won't beat my ass with.

The wine eventually comes and the waiter also takes our orders and as we are waiting we have been just making small talk but we both know that we are just procrastinating the inevitable; that we are both excited for.

I get out of my daydream and look up to once again meet Pete's eyes but instead of seeing eyes looking back at me with a playful mischievous way I see them with curiosity mixed with a little bit of nervousness.

"Babe, is everything okay?" I ask him and he still has yet to take his eyes off the being behind me.

"No way is that ... is that..." Pete stutters

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