3, On Ground

187 5 3

Underline: Korean
English: Normal
Characters: Chanyeon, Eunyu, Hani and Hosang.
Song: Howlin' 404 by DEAN

      ★・・・・・・★ ★・・・・・・★★・・・・・・★ ★・・・・・・★★・・・・・・★


"Elias, hurry wake up."

Elias blinks his eyes and groans squinting his eyes open. He looks at the hand on his shoulder before looking up at the owner. His eyes met an apprehensive Chanyeong.

Sitting up, he looks around catching a glimpse of Eunyu behind Chanyeon. He was gonna observe more but the man beside him quickly pulled his attention away.

"Elias, we should try to find a way to climb out, Alright" he said hand still on my shoulder. It took me a bit to piece words together to form a coherent sentence in my mind to understand what he was saying but eventually I got.

"Alright."I responded, and he nodded smirking and patted my shoulder, "very good"

I stood up, bone's cracking from the stress of the night before. I bring my arms down with, a yawn leaving me as I do. I turn to my left and pick up the helmet before reaching up and putting it on.

I turn feeling a rough poke on my back. Eunyu stares up at me, I'm starting to think that she has a permanent frown, or maybe she just looks irritated with a smidge of arrogance, and that's how her genetics treated her.

"What's with the helmet, are you trying to go blind.", I scratch my head in response, I may have above average memory but I'm still a beginner at Korean. I look to Chanyeong for help and he nods and points at my helmet and makes a confused face. I slowly nod and look back at the impatient Eunyu standing in front of me, "um...pro...tection",  I look back to Chanyeong for confirmation if I butchered the pronunciation. He nods his head giving a thumbs up, "protection, good.".

I look back at Eunyu and see her nod up at me before turning around and pointing off to her own corner.

I turn hearing a wince leave Chanyeong.
He looks at his left foot with a frown. I move beside him and crouch down pulling his foot up and resting it on my lap, It didn't matter if I got dirty, I already was anyways.

Wiping the caked up mud on his shoes, pulling back the tongue of the shoe I take a look, I had to pull the visor back so I could get a good look, his ankle was evidently bruised but nothing looked out of place.

"Doesn't look broken, probably just a sprain, take it easy for now and don't put to much pressure on it.", I say still observing his ankle I look up and unwrap the clothe from his left bicep and bring it down to his ankle wrapping it around the bottom of his shoe before wrapping it around his ankle and tying it tightly gaining a wince out of him.

I set his foot to the ground before looking back up at him, "remember don't put too much pressure on it, slowly introduce pressure little by little until you can walk comfortably again.".

"Elias speak not korean, not understand" Chanyeong deadpanned.

"...right sorry forgot, be, careful, take light steps, for, time being.", I managed to get out.

"Alright understood.", He responded with a nod.

I sigh mentally thinking about all the words and mannerisms I'll have to memorize for the time being until I can find fuel and get out of here.


Reaching both arms out I pull both of them close to my chest and push myself up against the dirt wall. Glancing up briefly I can see glimpses of little dog like monsters running along the hole, rocks and dirt crumbling and cascading down on us as they do. While waiting for the monsters to pass, ChanYeong and Eunyu busied up by continuing a conversation they were having im guessing before Chanyeong woke me up.

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