1, The Landing

365 9 4

Underline: Korean
English: Normal
Characters: Kim SiA
Song: Black Friday- tom odell

   ★・・・・・・★ ★・・・・・・★★・・・・・・★ ★・・・・・・★★・・・・・・★

He glared down at the empty tank warning sign on the monitor. This is the second time this month, usually he'd last a month or two without seeing the signal but this month is just not his month it seems

He sighed running a hand through his hair before dropping it back down to his side. He walked walked over to the gps finding his position number writing it down on a sticky note. Sticky note in hand he walked over to the map stapled to the bulletin board. Elias took a pencil from his pocket and drew a circle around his destination.

"Korea..." he murmured observing the country he circled. He'd never been there, his father and mother had. He'd heard stories about it from his dad, seemed like a beautiful place. But what his dad told him didn't matter, the world didn't wait for him to experience it himself, he's sure the earth had made up its mind when deciding to unleash all he'll loose above ground.

He walked back to the captain's seat and sat with a groan setting course for his new destination, he leaned his head back with a sigh. He could feel the lack of sleep catching up to him. Recently he'd been having dreams of his father's death, he could remember the day like it was yesterday. His tiredness took over him and his eyelids gave up giving him off to sleep.

     ★・・・・・・★ ★・・・・・・★★・・・・・・★ ★・・・・・・★★・・・・・・★

"Elias, Elias wake up I'm too old to be doing all the work on my own, come on boy!" I woke gasping my eyes wide and staring up at my father. My eyes softened and my breathing calmed, I cleared my throat and sat up. I sat there for a few seconds before scratching my neck and getting up. I walked out onto the deck where my father now stood. He looked back at me, giving me a one over before sighing and shaking his head.

"I know your 19th was a few weeks ago but that doesn't mean you get to slack off.", he continued after he saw I was just gonna stare and not say anything. "Now go raise the anchor, we leaving, it's time we moved on...hurry up boy!", I sighed mumbling out a, "yes..." before heading over to where the anchor was.

"Elias!, get your ass in here dinners ready!" I looked up from my guitar, before setting it back in its case. I sat up from my bed, heading out the door and to the kitchen where my father was.

"Finally...took your good ol' time didn't ya, now sit down and get this food into ya" my father grumbled looking at me unimpressed. A corner of my mouth lifted and I sat down and pickled up my fork picking at the fish he knew I wasn't a fan of but ate anyways to please him.

My father stopped and leaned against the entrance of my room, a cigarette hanging on his bottom lip as he watched me with a hard gaze. He ket out a cloud of smoke before pinching the end of his cigarette putting it out, I never understood why he did that, it always left him with burns on all his fingers.

He walked over to me before bringing his hand down to my head and ruffling my hair making me groan and try to push his hand away. He laughed at my annoyance, like usual, before patting my cheek and heading back to the entrance he stopped and turned his head slightly, "...y'know I love you...right" I hum in response. He cleared his throat before wishing me good night, "good night bud, I'll see ya when I see ya..." I squint my eyes confused but watch him leave without saying anything.

I groan annoyed at the constant shaking.
I turn trying to sleep again but it's impossible. I sigh sitting up scratching the back of my neck, I drop my hand to my lap and look around my room. I let out a sigh getting up and walking out of my room to my fathers, "hey, what's with all..." I look into his room and see nobody, "...shaking...father?". I turn around and look into the kitchen, nothing. I turn around to head to the cockpit but stop catching something out of the corner of my eye. The light to the back deck was on, the light was motion sensor so my father must be out there.

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