XVII. For My Fifth Book

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Four months have already passed since that moment happened and I never heard anything about her after all of that happened. Ever since that day, I never got that chance to talk to her again despite how much I wanted to ask her what's the deal with the medicines.

I tried to contact her multiple times but all of the efforts I made were hopeless. I even asked Stacy about her, but she kept saying that she didn't have any news about her since she left the inn.

At that point, I don't have any choice but just to let go of all of it and try to forget it little by little. There's no point in thinking about it if I can't do anything with it. Perhaps it's a better idea to focus on my life more, especially on the upcoming book because it's been already half a year since I published a book for the public.

Mr. Kim already demands me to think and prepare for the book I will write soon. Although he already gave me enough time to rest, I think I've spent too much of my time worrying about other people

One day, while I was spending my free time in Athena's place, Gerald suddenly called me.

"Hello, Yael. There's something I want to tell you. It's about the next book that you will write but before I tell you the thing, have you already thought about what you should do?", Gerald asked.

"To be honest, I still haven't been able to think what I should do next after a hit like that. Creating something after a very successful one is a hard task but if you want to know what's in my mind right now, the thing only that I can think of is something related between Athena and I."

"Hmmm. Something like childhood friends or being a couple. That might sound nice, but I think there's something not okay with that."

"That's also what I thought. The book will not be different from what I wrote before. A shadow of the great one to be exact. I need something distinct and different.", I uttered.

"Think about it wisely. Now, for the thing that I should tell you. Mr. Kim messaged me, and he told me that we would have a meeting two days from now. He said that he wants to finalize the plans now."

"People will have a high expectation for you, and it needs to be planned well, or else, the public will call every your hard work a flop.", he added.

If it's that easy to think of something, I would have done it already. I've already experienced that before so it's not new to me but despite that, I always find myself struggling with that.

Maybe it's because I'm trying to think what the best route I should take. There are a lot of roads to choose from, but only one can grant me success.

Once the call was finished, Athena came from the restaurant. She heard an ample amount of the things that Gerald and I talked about, so she went towards me and asked what was wrong.

"Was that Gerald? Sorry but heard something that you're currently experiencing a problem. You can tell that me. I'll try my best to help you.", she uttered.

"It's just about what should I write next. After that successful book, it's hard to decide what should I do next.", I replied.

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