XIII. When Past and Present Meet

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If I told my past self what picture I saw that time, I would for sure not believe anything. Who would've thought that there would be a day when I could see again my family having such a good time with Theresa, like the good old days?

Past gave us something heartbreaking that made us continue our lives separately but at least everything was now settled. It was rough but all was already said and done. Forgiveness had been given. Smiles were finally restored. To see such a thing was unbelievable. We may not be together anymore but deep inside me, I wished for it to stay like that forever.

Like what has been planned, we'll now head to the place where the celebration will take place. Most of his friends will also attend like what we expected, and they were probably on their way now. Everything was going smoothly according to the plan but there's a slight problem - Theresa will eventually attend the celebration.

Though it's quite a problem, I just let them do what they want and just thought about what to do in the future. If a misunderstanding took place between my love and Theresa, I should be the one there to stop them. Both of them are important to me, I just can't let them bicker each other all day and ruin the party.

A few minutes after the ceremony ended, we reached the restaurant where Athena was currently waiting. Most of the guests that we had were also already there like some of our relatives, some of our close friends, and Athena with her father. Everything was already on set, except me and Athena who were still nervous about what might happen.

"Are you sure it's fine for me to be here? I don't know why but I truly feel anxious about the idea that your relatives and Athena will see me again.", Theresa asked.

"Don't worry about a single thing, okay? My relatives don't even know what happened after we broke up. They just received the news, but not the whole story. You'll be fine even if you talk to them. The only problem is Athena.", I replied.

"I'll be there for you Theresa, I won't let others talk bad to you.", Harry added.

"But Athena, she is kind of scary when she gets angry. Will it be, okay?"

"Let me handle her. She may bicker and nag a lot, but I know her. Athena can't be angry at me for a long time. Just focus on enjoying the celebration, okay?", I uttered.

Loads of confetti dropped as we entered the room. Everyone was delighted to see us, especially Harry since he's the main event. All the people in the room welcomed us with warm claps and noises.

Before we even reached the stage for Harry, Athena already went towards us and hugged my brother. Despite her doing almost half of the work, she still slayed her outfit and looked adorable in my eyes. You can't even see that she's tired.

"Congratulations, Harry. You look really great now especially wearing that gown and medals. I am very happy to see you being rewarded for your hard work.", Athena uttered as she gave my brother a hug.

"Thanks a lot, Athena. Without your help, all of that hard work will fail. You were always there when I wanted to ask you something. You never even failed to send me meals whenever you heard that I'd take some all-nighter for my studies.", Harry replied.

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