"It is good to see you looking so well after the accident, Duchess," the goblin woman says.

"Captain Vento." Steph bows her head. "It's good to be back in the game."

"With all due respect, what is the reason for this call?" the short man inquires.

"Oh, come on Oki, lighten up some. She almost died for the cause. You can at least welcome her back," the fawn deflects.

"Steph is always almost dying," Oki the dwarf grumbles.

The centaur woman speaks up. "I'm sure Oki simply as surprised as the rest of us to hear from the Duchess on the emergency channel."

"We think Raygor is building a teleporting weapon to destroy the Realms," Steph announces, charging headfirst.

"That's quite an accusation, Duchess," breaths Captain Vento, the goblin.

"I know, but we have the blueprints, and they resemble that of a weapon," Steph replies.

"It cannot be done. There have always been ten realms, balancing each other. If he serves that connection, he will destroy his own realm in the process," the gnomish lady explains.

The centaur shakes her head, hair reminding me of a main. "We mustn't allow this weapon to be completed. There must be a weakness of some sort."

"I'll send the blueprints over to Hager. If there's anyone who can crack a mechanical puzzle, it's him," Steph informs.

The fawn grins. "I'll make sure he puts this project on top priority."

Steph nods her thanks. "Are there any updates you have for me to report back to the queen?"

"No updates on the crystal samples you gave us. They're different from any mineral I've worked with," Oki replies.

"The Howlers have been making frequent visits so it's been hard to send out our regular patrols and work on weapons," the centaur adds.

The fawn reports the only good news. "Our cadets have take well with the new combat training program."

The gnome frowns slightly. "The capital is demanding more food and has sent some troops in to make sure we meet our quota."

"I think Emperor Duro suspects I'm aiding you," Vento growls, eyes darting like she is expecting someone to jump out of the shadows.

Steph sighs, shaking her head. "Proceed with caution, Vento. I have faith in you, but when we you on the inside."

"Of course, Duchess. I won't let you down." Vento holds her head up high, determination twinkling in her eyes.

The centaur woman "Duchess, I must ask if the rumors are true. Odin tells me of the girl who visited my Realm while I was on a mission. Has the princess returned?"

I practically hear Steph smile. She turns around, motioning me to come here. I shake my head and mouth "no." I'm in jeans, a t-shirt, and my hair is a mess. There's no way I'm going over there.

Steph gets up and whispers in my ear. "Come kid, it's the kind of good news they need."

Sighing, I get up, smoothing out my t-shirt and fingering through my hair. I shoot Steph a "you ow me" look and walk into camera view.

"Alliance, meet Princess Jamie of the Elven Realm," Steph announces proudly.

The fawn and gnome smile. Oki's eyes burn into me, searching for a weakness. The centaur's eye pop wide open. Vento simply raises a curious eyebrow.

"Welcome back your majesty. We've been awaiting this day for many moons," the gnome greets. "I am Chief Vind Sang, keeper of the Gnomish Realm."

I smile. "It is an honor to meet all of you."

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