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We ended up having sex in the kitchen. She made me moan like no one else has done before. She was no gentle human, she fucked me like I was her whore.

Lisa opened up a new sexual desire in me. It awakened even though it's a sin, I still love it and that chemistry with her can never be forgotten.

I decided to have activities with her this morning. We walked together on the shore, we rode her yacht and had a swim. I can't swim so she was there to lift me up. The time and the laughter she gave me was sweet that I didn't know I would experience from someone other than my husband. I went out with her doing things I haven't tried before without thinking about doing it with him and that's a new. I always thought of this and that with him, to do it with him, but today was different, I was only focused on her, my mind doing things with her. She didn't waste any of the time to not make out on the shore the boat and even on the dock as we fish together. She taught me how to.

"Lisa?" She hummed as an answer. We are staring at the sunset, we just finished having a snack together with the fish we caught. "Have you ever been in love?"


She was quick to give me that answer. I roamed my eyes on her.

"I won't take that." I said smiling.

"The only woman I ever loved was my mother."

"Where is she?" She's so serious not even looking at me.

"She's dead."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

She pats my thigh and smiled a bit.

"Can you tell me about your tattoo?" I asked.

"I'm not ready."

I chuckled. "Do you have to get ready to tell me about that? Why? It has a deep meaning?"

She look back at me. "Let's just say, it's so tragic for you to know."

I didn't spoke.

"You're so brave you know?" After how many minutes I broke the silence.

"How can you say?"

"For bringing me here, for asking me."

"The first time I saw you, Jennie. I got burned woth your beauty."

That's deep.

"You have this mesmerizing eyes and a perfect body. The moment you entered my club, I know you're gonna be with me."

That's what you call confidence.

"Seriously, your husband is a shit you know that? I don't care about what you're gonna think of me, I'm a monster or everything for bringing you here with me and keeping you away for how many days to your husband."

I smiled bitterly watching my toes get wet on the water below the dock. This is an old dock where she loves to spend time she said. She has a soft spot I know that, she's sometimes sad and full of mystery.

"You somehow brings happiness for a short period of time, Lisa."

I'm not looking at her but I can sense her staring at me so I bore my eyes on her only to see her looking st me so dearly.

"I won't deny you're the hottest person I saw in your club the day I came in with Tae." She chuckled. "Everyone would go nuts everytime you pass them by." I scooted over and turned my body to sit on her lap, she then held my back to support me from falling down the water. "You're a jerk you know that?"

"I know. And this jerk likes you very much."

I smiled and kissed her lips. She kissed me back with a kiss so tender. Unlike the kisses we shared before that's all pure lust, this time it's different, sweet and careful.

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