Chapter 16 - The Cost

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"Well... he certainly was the scariest as well. Because when the battle was over we were too late... there was nothing to find of our friends. Only blood... and a recording of their screams while he laughed. It was only when the flames stopped and the ashes settled did we see bloodied footprints leaving the area, but we never found a survivor. After a few years of searching for them, we all just had to accept he must have been dead." Pyrrha explained to the two of them.

"And... is that why he hates you? Why he attacked?" Oriana asked.

"That's right. He blames us for not saving him, but most importantly, saving the ones who didn't make it." Pyrrha lied.

Oriana furrowed her brow. "But... the way he spoke to Dad... it sounded like Dad did something to him."

Oriana's intelligence was always her greatest strength, and she could always sense when the dots didn't connect.

And most importantly, when someone was lying.

"I'd rather not talk about this subject anymore... it's... hard." Pyrrha requested, closing her eyes to try to block the images out. Ori and Misty grew quiet, but Oriana kept glancing at her mother, suspicion very apparent in her big blue eyes.

Whilst they were talking, Winter continued to speak with Dutch in the kitchen, scroll to her ear as she spoke. Dutch was smart, never fully trusting Amara or the Legion entirely, so he created his own personal connection that he only let trusted individuals have access to. "So they're safe? You got them to the nearby Safehouse?" Dutch asked.

"Yes, everyone is accounted for. Team R.W.B.Y is out looking for Jaune as we speak. With any luck, they should have him back with his family within the next few hours." Winter explained.

"I'm afraid things have gotten a lot more complicated. You have more than just the Deacon, Cardin and Neo to worry about now." He explained.

"He's sending the Legion after them?" Winter inquired.

"He hasn't. Amara has... turns out she's the one behind all this, wanting Jaune dead because she's afraid he could still have Thaddeus inside of him. She's desperate to ensure another reign of tyranny doesn't happen again." Dutch explained.

"Shit... I should've expected as much." Winter sighed.

"Leave Amara to me. She's got good hackers and infiltrators to secure my secret files, but I'm Ex-Black Gallows. Espionage is like breathing for me." Dutch chuckled, making Winter chuckle as well.

"That's why I'm glad you're on our side, old man." Winter said.

"What of the Hound?" Dutch asked.

"Unknown. It flew off at the end of the battle after it tossed Jaune away. Strangely, the thing went straight after Oriana. I'm guessing it's because it sensed her fear? But... I dunno... I've never seen a Grimm get so distracted by sensing someone's fear that it tears their attention away from the prey at their feet." Winter explained.

"Hmm... that is concerning. Okay then, when Team R.W.B.Y return with Jaune, take Penny and Oscar and go search for the Hound." Dutch ordered.

"Yeah, Ruby's already suggested that, and we're in agreement." Winter reassured.

"Heh, she's always one step ahead. Good thing she's sticking with the Nikos family. They're gonna need her." Dutch explained.

"There is a small matter though, Oriana's best friend, Misty. She's involved in all this now... what should we do? She's just a kid." Winter explained, and Dutch was quiet for a few moments.

"Well, hopefully all will be fine and the Safehouse will remain secure. But should the eventuality arise where things are getting too dangerous, I will send some trusted allies of mine to exfil the girl somewhere safe, where she won't be endangered simply by her proximity to the family." Dutch explained, and Winter nodded her head.

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