Chapter 15 - Sinister Deeds

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Birdsong echoed across the Valerian Countryside, water trickling against the bank. A small frog croaked, hopping across the dirt.

Until a hand reached out across the floor, grasping the ground, his coughing spluttered water from his lips. He dragged his body across the ground, blood leaking from the bite wound inflicted on his shoulder, then he rolled onto his back. Jaune stared at the sky, his vision bleary from the water that flooded his eyes. All he could think about was how nice today was going to be, such a happy family day... until the Deacon arrived.

The pain in his shoulder returned, throbbing and bleeding heavily from the Hound's razor-sharp teeth, which tore his flesh open, nearly crushing his shoulder from the force of its bite. "Fuck..." He groaned, taking Ira Red which he found washed up beside him, and he cut into his sleeve. It took a few awkward cuts before he could tear the sleeve free and turn it into a makeshift bandage. "I need to stop the bleeding... but it will get infected if I don't get to a hospital, fast." Jaune coughed, looking around, trying to get a read on his location.

He wanted to find Pyrrha, Oriana and Misty more than anything, but he saw Ruby, Penny, Winter and Oscar were there, so that meant they had a better chance of being safe than him right now. He got up and started limping towards Vale, staying away from the roads and keeping his eyes on the sky.

Both for the Deacon's Airship, and for the Hound.

In truth, he feared the latter more right now. It looked like the Deacon was retreating, but Grimm never stay away for long.

Especially when they have the taste of blood on their tongue.


She landed suddenly on the external landing pad outside of the Deacon's Office in the Legion's Headquarters. Her fists were clenched as she stormed towards the doors, blasting them open with a bolt of lightning, shattering the powerful lock with ease. She walked inside and saw Neo standing up with her knife spinning between her fingers, jolting at the sudden blast. Eryka did not even give her a look, walking straight past the Assassin, and looking around for him.

"Where. Is. He?" Eryka demanded, as flames roared from her blue eyes. Neo stared back at Eryka, narrowing her pink and brown eyes, only for a light in the room next door to turn on, catching her attention. She walked away from Neo, and found the Deacon sat on the floor, his arms around his legs and pressing his head against his knees. He looked afraid, but clearly not of Eryka.

"Go ahead. Say it." The Deacon sighed.

She couldn't help but scoff at the way he said that. "Seriously? You're gonna treat this like I'm the one being ridiculous?" She questioned, fury in her blue eyes. "You twisted me against my family, and you promised me you were going to do this peacefully. But you struck first!" Eryka yelled, pointing at him.

"I didn't want to..." He replied.

"Don't give me that crap. I see everything clearly now. You never went there for any reason outside of causing carnage for your own personal vengeance." Eryka stated. "You sought to use me for my powers, using my grief to manipulate me against people I cared about. And you attacked a home full of innocent people."

"Innocent?" The Deacon softly snarled, lifting his head to stare at her.

"I've been trying to make you understand. Blake and Yang tried. Pyrrha tried. But you clearly aren't interested in hearing the truth... you're no better than Neo. You're just looking for someone to be mad at, even though the real monster who hurt you is long dead." Eryka explained, and the Deacon hung his head as she spoke.

"I tried... I really did. But when he said open your eyes... it sent me right back to that moment when he forced me to watch. That was what he said... while laughing... in my ear." The Deacon explained, staring vacantly. Eryka looked down at him, and even through her anger, she still couldn't help but feel for him, since these memories clearly tormented him. He looked up at her. "What was I supposed to do?"

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