"I am still working on this, thank you" Kivilcim said, raising her glass.

"Mehmet, can you bring us a Shirley Temple for my friend here?"

The waiter nodded his head and walked away.

Fatma looked to Kivilcim and raised her eyebrows. They were both amazed by how polite he spoke but also how respected he was to have people listen to his demands. It was quite attractive.

"Oh, is this your house?" Kivilcim asked

"No, you could kind of say I am working. My Dad is forcing me to observe and learn the ins and outs of the hospitality business. Our family is actually catering for the party. I am graduating soon so in order to stay in the family business, it's something I have to do!"

"Is that something you want to do? Can he just force you to do something you don't want." Kivilcim asked. "Sorry, if that's too personal or straightforward, but the way you said it, it doesn't come off as something you're interested in."

"Well, it really depends on the project. There's some meaningful ones out there, but everything is as my father says. How about you? What are your plans after graduation."

"After graduation, I am really interested in becoming an educator! I love teaching and connecting with kids."

Omer was mesmerized by the way Kivilcim spoke. The way she spoke with her hands and they way her eyes smiled as she spoke.

"Kivilcim, I am going to go check on that drink!" Fatma walked away winking at her and making a heart shape with her hands as he came out of Omer's sight.

"Fatma! Don't get lost"

"I'll text you!" Fatma shouted as she disappeared into the crowd.

"Don't worry, I am here. I won't allow you to get lost" Omer said.

Kivilcim giggled at his thoughtfulness.



They both giggled as they made heavy eye contact and took a sip of their drink.

Omer broke the silence. "Is she your sister?"

"Who Fatma? No, she is my best friend, but more like my second sister. We live in the same building and our mom's are great friends."

"She seems like a sweet friend."

"She is. I wouldn't be where I am without her support. She gives me clarity." Kivilcim squinted her eyes and decided to ask him a question that popped into her mind "Hmmm do you like her?"

Omer almost choked on his drink when she asked such a direct question.

"Umm, as a person, sure. But I have my eyes on someone else." He said staring at her lips.

The music suddenly changed to a slow dance.

"Do you care to dance?" Omer asked politely.


"Yes!" Omer smiled.

"I've never danced before, let alone danced with anyone else."

"That's okay, follow my lead." Kivilcim, hesitating at first, eventually put her drink down. Omer extended his hands and Kivilcim followed his lead.

Kivilcim gasped as Omer pulled Kivilcim closer, their face just centimeters apart. Her eyes felt heavy in lust. While she has never danced before, he made it felt easy.

They danced close to each other for a few minutes. Her head rested on his shoulders as they moved around in small steps and his hands rested on the small of her back.

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