Biting his lip in indecision, Koty took a deep breath and cast several cushioning charms all over the corridor below. Then leapt from the elevated doorway. His wings immediately extended and he held them out as flat as he could manage. As his heart hammered in his chest, he changed the angle and winced at a sudden muscle cramp. Thankfully, he was close enough to the ground that when his wing gave out that he merely staggered into Bear's side.

"Koty Lucien Amaryillion Malfoy!" Severus shouted, rushing down the corridor. "What in the name of magic were you thinking? You are not to fly without supervision until you have gained more control! You could have broken your neck! Have you lost your mind, child? How would your parents feel if they had to be informed of your passing, due to the fact that you could not be bothered to follow rules set in place to keep you safe?"

Tears filled Koty's eyes. "I'm sorry," he whispered, letting the tears fall. "I won't do it again."

"Too right you won't!" Severus snapped. "As of this minute, you are banned from flying for a week. That includes flying with a broom. You will remain in the stands during quidditch practice, after explaining your actions to the Captain. Do you understand?"

"I understand," he sniffled.

Severus sighed and knelt on the floor. He wrapped his little mate up in a tight hug. "The rules are there for your protection, Koty. You have been through a great deal of pain, and I cannot watch you inflict more upon yourself due to reckless foolishness. You mean far too much to far too many people."

Bear trotted over to lick Koty's tear-stained face.

By the time lunch finally rolled around, Koty was driving himself spare with all the fidgeting he'd been doing. He'd never been one for tapping his quill or bouncing his legs before, but his worry for his friends far outstripped his annoyance with himself for fidgeting so much.

He hurried to the Main Entrance to find Professor Flitwick already waiting with George, Luna and Freya.

"As soon as the rest of our party arrives," the half goblin said calmly. "We will depart."

Maybe he wasn't as calm as Koty thought, as his professor checked his pocket watch four times in the two minutes it took for Amelia and Fred to appear.

"Ah! Excellent!"

"How are we getting to St. Mungo's, sir?" Fred asked politely.

"As the Headmaster has the only floo available for travel, and several meetings in his office today, we will be taking the Knight bus." The professor ushered them all out the door and began the trek to Hogsmeade.

Koty decided not to correct the man by alerting him to Sev's fully functioning floo. He didn't want his poor mate to get into trouble. The floo in his and Professor Flitwick's room was too small for travel, but found that it was for floo calls and standard fires for warmth. He did, however, wonder if the professor had ever used the floo to travel on his own. After all, he was the only one small enough to use it if he so wished.

"Never. Doing. That. Again." Freya said, clutching her rolling stomach as they staggered somewhat drunkenly off the horrible bus.

Amelia graciously helped her girlfriend down the steps.

Rather nauseous himself, Koty silently agreed, not trusting himself to speak without sicking up.

Luna and the twins, on the other hand, had loved swerving all over the place at breakneck speeds, slamming to a halt and turning on a knut. Their eyes glittered with excitement, even after they made their way into St. Mungo's.

Koty looked all around, taking in the absolutely scentless, pristine lobby. There were all manner of people waiting in line. Some were being levitated in place, clearly too weak to stand. Some merely looked ill. Several had extra appendages growing out of places that practically screamed 'experimentation/potions accident'. One man, who looked to be in his early twenties, was lying on the floor, holding what Koty could only assume was the man's own splinched leg.

I'm not a kitten... Okay, I'm Kittenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें