Chapter 20 - Pt.2

Start from the beginning

"Potions and Charms are held together, every six months," Severus supplied helpfully. "The second weekend of June and December. Defence and Healing are in January and July. Sp-"

"Of course," Dumbledore said, cutting off the man he was meant to be wooing into maintaining his post. "And that is-"

"Koty has already been issued an invitation for the February gathering of Arithmancy and Runic Masters."

He could only blink at his mother. Why didn't he know about this? "Mum?"

Leaning forward slightly, she began whispering in his ear. "We were going to bring it up at Yule. As you are still a minor, the invitation was addressed to your father and I, asking our consent."

"Ohhhhhh," Koty said slowly. "That makes sense."

"Enough dawdling," Lucius said abruptly, glaring at Dumbledore. "What is your choice? Do you keep Koty and Severus, or lose them both?"

While he really did want to spend his time with his friends, a tiny part of him, miniscule really, wanted to hear more about the Academy of Magic in Uagadou. None of his friends were going to share any of his classes, and he would likely be too busy to see them as much as he had last term. Hogwarts would always hold a special place in his heart, as it was the catalyst to leaving his old 'family' and getting a new one, full of love and people willing to care for him and were always up for a cuddle. But with this other school, he would be able to see them much more often.

The Headmaster cleared his throat, clearly trying (and failing miserably) to stall for time. Eventually, the man sighed. "It appears as though my initial decision may have been a bit... hasty. And with the housing situation cleared up, I believe it would be in the best interest of all parties if you would both remain."

"How generous of you," Lucius scoffed. "To allow your best student to continue his education."

As soon as they entered the portrait guarded passage, Koty stopped, causing Severus and Narcissa to bump into him. He took a steadying step forward and looked at them. "Can we talk for a minute before you leave?"

Severus offered them seats and tea, having a close connection with one of the elves that always appeared in his rooms when he had company.

As expected, Nommy popped in and took their drink orders, then popped out once more.

"Why didn't you tell me about Uagadou before?" Koty asked suddenly, hiding behind his teacup.

Before Lucius could ask about his friends, he continued.

"That school sounds incredible!" Koty huffed, sinking into the sofa. "Why wasn't I given the option until he kicked me out? Is it because of the monthly visits? Do... do you not want-"

Horrified at her son's train of thought, Narcissa was quick to cut him off. "Of course we would love to see you! Oh, darling, we simply thought you would want to remain with your brother and your friends. Sending you to another continent, as the Headmaster said, would be difficult for your father and I, even with the monthly weekends home. Even so, I fear we may have withheld the information out of selfishness. While you're here, you're only a floo away. If you go to Uagadou, you won't be quite as easy to reach. Even with magic, we cannot floo or apparate halfway around the world. The permits alone would take weeks, if not months to acquire."

Despite the situation, Koty could only feel his parents' love. Abandoning his cup, he got up and hugged them both. "It's okay, I understand. I love you too."

"Why don't we talk more about this at Yule?" Lucius suggested. "We could use this time to sort out our thoughts on the subject, as well as gathering information to make an informed decision. If our findings are favourable, we might be willing to consider a transfer after this school year."

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