"I think I made a mistake," Koty said hesitantly, looking at his father. He handed the letter over and bit his lip in worry. "How bad do you think it will be?"

Lucius sighed, rubbing his forehead as he put the letter down. "Why would you do this?" His tone wasn't accusing, but it wasn't exactly full of cheer either.

Eyes downcast, Koty paused before answering. "I didn't mean to come off as ungrateful. I tried to be polite, really! I'm so sorry. Do you think she's very upset?"

"Lucius," Narcissa said softly. "I think this might be best left until our guests leave."

At ten, and after Penny insisted he write to them (or at least her) tonight, his friends left.

It didn't take long for Lucius to swoop in. "Why did you do it, Koty? Why did you give back those gifts?"

"I gave them back," Koty began, twisting his fingers. "Because it didn't feel right to accept them. It isn't right to help someone and expect something in return. Even so, the twins already 'paid back' the tutoring sessions for the year."

"How did they repay you, Kitten?" Narcissa asked calmly. The pitiful financial state of the Weasley family was exceedingly well known.

At that, Koty bit his lip. Should he tell them about the unofficial bodyguarding that they'd been doing? It would do little more than worry them. But... but he had to, right? Parents were supposed to help their kids. He knew that the Potter family was not the best example of propriety or values, so while he never would have been able to tell them, that should logically mean that he could tell his actual parents now, shouldn't it?

Mind made up, Koty looked at his parents and mentally prepared himself for the potential onslaught of questions and concern, though that part did make him get a warm, squirmy feeling in the pit of his stomach that he was rather fond of. "You see... the twins approached us for help. They wanted a tutor, and that was okay. We knew they didn't have the money to pay, even in sweets like Penny, so they offered to help me."

"Go on," Narcissa said, nodding in encouragement. What in Salazar's name could they be helping her little Kitten with?

"I was... well, I was having problems with a couple of students, and the twins would either head them off, or distract them or... prank the living daylights out of them if they managed to catch up with me." Koty lowered his gaze, cheeks burning in shame. He hated that they needed to protect him, but was glad that they cared enough to offer (and wow, did they ever follow through!).

"Who are these problem students that forced you to resort to hiring bodyguards?" Lucius asked, a contemplative look on his face. Given their family status, he himself had brokered a deal with the Crabbe and Goyle families to keep a close eye on Draco. The fact that they were already friends was a bonus. Those families were both known for brute force, while maintaining a subservient presence in the face of power and influence. A single word from Lord Malfoy would keep the sons from being saddled with less than ideal bonding contracts in the future.

Koty mumbled a few words, but they went unheard. He cleared his throat and tried again. "Jamie and his friends..." he said, letting his voice fall off in shame.

"Those friends' names?" Lucius prompted sternly.

"They've mostly stopped now, so it's fi-"

"It is not fine!" Narcissa replied heatedly. "If you are being harassed or assaulted by anyone, especially when in school, it needs to be exposed and corrected!"

"The headmaster said it was just schoolboy pranks," Koty said with a little sigh, his shoulders slumping.

Both of his parents froze.

I'm not a kitten... Okay, I'm KittenWhere stories live. Discover now