The twins turned their focus from their Kitten to the imposing figure of Lord Malfoy. "Yes, sir?" They asked politely.

"To ease his worry, could you please tell Koty what the absolute worst punishment would be, if you were somehow caught?" Lucius sat on the settee to remove his boots.

Koty smiled at that, as it meant his daddy didn't have anything else to do all day! It was still so early, not even lunchtime yet! Maybe he could convince them all to go play with the young abraxans! That would take their minds off of the awkward situation they'd suddenly found themselves in.

"Well," George began thoughtfully. "No sweets. For a whole week."

"De-gnoming the garden and no flying." Fred paused and nodded. "Oh, and an hour long lecture about what we did wrong, why we shouldn't ever do anything like it again and a detailed list of what our punishment is, but that's it."

"That isn't too bad, is it?" Lucius asked gently, hoping to assuage his son's fears.

Koty squirmed uncomfortably. "Are you sure that's all?" He asked, barely above a whisper.

"Yep!" George said grinning.

"Oh, before I forget," Fred rummaged around the hand-knitted knapsack and pulled out a small box. "Every year we send copies of our grades to Auntie Muriel, so she can keep track of our progress. Because of that, Georgie and I were summoned for tea. It was fun. But anyway, she wanted to ask us how we went from mostly A's to low O's this year."

"When we told her we'd been getting tutored, she was thrilled." George snorted amusedly.

"So we told her all about you, and she wanted us to give you this." Fred held out the box, wrapped in shiny silver paper with a green bow. There was a little card-sized black envelope attached.

When Koty was put down, he accepted the box, but made no move to open it. "What did you tell her about me?"

"That you're adorable and sweet. That you're the smartest person we've ever met. Also about your hobbies and wonderful taste in friends." Fred replied, booping the Vílaupír's nose.

"After that, she and dad talked about us coming over. The rest, as they say, is history!" George concluded triumphantly.

Fred looked at Lucius. "Could you resize the gift, sir?"

With that, Koty looked at the box, which had doubled in size. At the twins' encouragement, he opened the box, making sure not to damage the lovely wrappings. Inside was a beautiful calligraphy set made of elven silver, a thick stack of parchment that was all embossed with... he burst out laughing. There was a little kitty head indented at the top of each sheet, but was somehow... elegant. He opened the envelope next. There was a short, but impassioned note of thanks, alongside a fifty galleon certificate to Flourish and Blotts.

Koty, while he adored the gifts, knew he couldn't accept them. It was too much, and he was already penning the response in his head.

When they were sent to lunch, Koty told the twins to go ahead. He summoned one of his older quills, but used the new parchment. Within moments, Koty had a short, but polite note written.

At precisely 1:58, the floo flared to life. Again at 1:59, and once more at exactly 2pm.

Koty, who had been playing gobstones with George and Fred, jumped up, but then he remembered why there were six of them, instead of just three. He had to be on his best behaviour for his friends' parents, so that they could spend the night.

Keeping his smile polite, he made his way around the settee. "Lady Clearwater, Mrs. Odoa, Mrs. Ellison, a pleasure to formally meet you." He gave a little bow.

I'm not a kitten... Okay, I'm KittenWhere stories live. Discover now