Rolling his eyes, Lucius was reminded why he hated this particular elf. While they all tended to speak a little oddly, Dobby took it to a whole new level, and he never calmed down. He'd never met another elf that was so... insane. (Once, just a few months ago, Dobby brought tea for himself and a guest, bouncing as always, and tea covered everything. When he told the elf to clean it up, Dobby promptly grabbed the half empty teapot and smashed the damn thing over his own head, screaming about being a bad elf!)

"Assist Koty in getting dressed. Smart casual."

"Yes, Awesome Master Malfoy Lordy!" Dobby said excitedly, his large ears flapping. "Lowly Dobby be doing it rights away!" He popped out.

Narcissa's jaw dropped. "Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, if my baby gets so much as a papercut-!"

"Yes, love," Lucius said placatingly. "I'm well acquainted with the Black family curses. I will only allow him to accompany me if he agrees to stay back with at least two aurors. That way, should anything go... unfavourably, he will be protected."

"They had better be senior aurors, Lucius. I do not want my baby anywhere near something so deadly! And make it three!"

"Of course, love," Lucius agreed immediately. He didn't want his Kitten hurt either.

As soon as Lucius entered the dining room, his arms were full of a happily sobbing, smartly dressed child.

Koty eventually calmed down and finished his breakfast in record time. He was ready to go! He could scarcely contain his joy as he waited for his dad to finish, but bounced in place when he saw the aristocratic blond put down his fork. "Are you ready?" He half-shouted in his excitement.

Lucius lifted his brow.

Koty blushed, embarrassed by his outburst. "Sorry," he said sheepishly, then cleared his throat to try again, correctly this time. "Are you ready to go, father?"

"Better," Lucius said with a small nod of approval. "Yes, we may go now. Would you like to floo alone, or with me?"

In lieu of a verbal reply, Koty held out his hand. He loved any physical contact with his family.

"Very well," he said, picking up his youngest, knowing that Koty had planned to just hold his hand. "Tell your Franken-dog that he can go along to the school. We will be there shortly."

Koty grinned. "Bear! Wanna go play with the Giant Squid?"

The hound's tongue lolled to the side and he let out a yip of approval.

"We'll be there in a bit, okay?"

Bear licked his face and sat down to watch them vanish in a swirl of emerald flames.

As soon as a nice lady called Amelia Bones heard about a possible XXXXX classified 'beast' being harboured in a school, she had nearly a dozen aurors heading to Hogwarts within minutes. She had tasked five of them to protect him and his father, while the rest were preparing to subdue (she assured Koty that they weren't going to kill it on sight) the cerberus.

Bear bounded up to the contingency of ministry officials and one nervous auror shot off a spell.

"Bear!" Koty cried out, horrified. He shoved through the crowd as his father began berating the 'incompetent fool' for his stupidity.

After thoroughly examining his familiar, he let out a breath of relief. Bear was only stunned.

"One head!" He shouted at the auror, startling his father. "One! Five year olds know that a cerberus has THREE!"

"Look, kid," the young man said, rolling his eyes. "Don't try to..." he froze, seeing the murderous gaze coming from the child.

Lucius pulled his own gaze away from glowing green eyes to face the auror. "Leave. You will not take that tone with my child, and you are clearly not competent enough to ascertain the difference between a one headed, winged dog versus one with three heads and no wings. I would not trust you to protect a brick from a feather. Now leave."

I'm not a kitten... Okay, I'm KittenWhere stories live. Discover now