Chapter 1

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Love, infatuation, yearning. 

These words are all abnormally beautiful terms for the most unique phenomenon that ever took existence. Many people in this world set their devoted believes on these without thinking twice. Antithetically the three of us...we are doubtless not one of those people and never will be! NEVER EVER. I assume that you all need a coherent introduction to the universe's most eligible bachelor trio. 

For breakfast we got the Hwaseong raised Yoon Jeonghan, who noticed one specific thing the moment he was born. All pretty girls like to sleep with their stuffed toys! This guy took big advantage of this, becoming a mix of a rabbit and squirrel mascot for the cute kids named Jjong Toram, whose home is based in the Big Apple. One trait, this character always carries a candy-shaped pillow. Seems adorable for young children, but Jeonghan takes the upper hand to bring that sleeping item a second someone to lean on.

And then we have arrived at lunchtime, rephrased Joshua Hong a.k.a. Gentle Sexy. True Christians go to church every blissful Sunday morning, read the Bible regularly and wear the holy purity ring for the obvious reason. You can call Joshua the complete contradictory, who has not ever gone near a church in his entire life despite being raised in a family where Christianity is the leading way. Moreover, the guy has two favorite dishes ever since he was born. One good old In-And-Out burger from his birthplace LA, and the other is the beauty of hot girls.

We can all agree that dinner is the best, right? And the name is yours truly. Choi Seungcheol. Daegu's shine and pride. New York's most trendy, ultramodern nightclub DOMINO's manager. A great human has spoken about me once, saying that a lady would only not stick to Seungcheol if Seungcheol does not want to get stuck to her. And that one great human, that happens to be me! I am who I am, reckless and who cares if someone got hurt by my principals. 

Three best friends, one luxury house, and life's excitement. All the talks of love, those are just straight bullshit!

Heavy banging in the back of my head did not suit my appetite at all, wiping the morning vision clean with the back of my hand. And as usual, my current fling Hailey laid passed out next to me in her birthday suit. I surely went rough on her last night, didn't I? A faint sound of a doorbell yelled for unwanted attention. Yawning all of my hangover out, I slumped down the stairs to open the front door in one go. Who had the audacity to wake me up from my precious slumber? 

My dark brown eyes narrowed at the empty side in front of me. I got a weird gut feeling in my stomach, immediately acting on it while my view diverted to the ground. What the hell? I could not understand this bizarre situation at all, picking up the white envelop while looking at the abandoned hallway to hope for a source of humanity. The open invite of the letter while reading the handwritten sentences made me gawk in unpleasant surprise.

After waking the other guys up with much nuisance, all their looks were focused on the most joyous individual on this planet. Both of them gave the exact same reaction I had given a couple of minutes ago, my right hand flickering the letter as I stood in between Joshua and Jeonghan. '"Gaesaekki (son of a bitch), byeongsiniya (moron), raise your daughter yourself." That is what is written in this letter. I guess that someone made a mistake.'

Little Thing (Seungcheol, Jeonghan & Joshua) SEVENTEEN FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now