Chapter 1

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Sunlight streamed through the curtains of the Hampton's guest bedroom, landing gracefully over Jack's eyes. The light disturbs his already uneasy sleep, causing him to wake. The events of the day prior came rushing back, and tears threatened to fall from Jack's dark eyes. He let them, hoping this could be his one and only breakdown.

"When did my life become a TV movie?" Jack muttered to himself. Then he threw himself up and out of bed, reaching for the purple sweater and dark wash jeans he'd worn the day before. Note to self: Go get clothes, thought Jack. He padded across the carpeted upstairs hall to Riley's room. She'd put herself to bed the night before, so this was Jack's first time seeing her room since...well, Jack honestly couldn't remember the last time he'd been in his baby sisters room. With one quick glance, Jack was able to detect a pink bedspread, a well-organized desk, and framed posters of boy bands and movies adorning the walls. Riley was sitting up in bed, wearing a pink nightgown that resembled a ballerina's costume.  She simply stared, blank faced at her older brother. 

"Would you like to get dressed and have some breakfast?" Jack asked. Riley nodded and slid out of bed, pulling a purple t-shirt out of one dresser drawer, a yellow skirt out of the one below. Jack left so she could change in private. Downstairs, he scanned the pantry for breakfast options, and settled on some instant oatmeal. He dumped the package contents into bowls, then went to the fridge for milk.

"Are you making oatmeal?" Jack nearly hit his head on the fridge in search of the source of the voice. Riley stood where the kitchen tile met the living room carpet, clutching a hairbrush and a yellow hair bow.

"Y-yeah, I am. Is that alright?"

"I don't eat oatmeal" replied Riley. Jack stared at her, bewildered. Riley walked to the fridge, dropping her things on the island as she passed. She reached into the fridge and pulled out a large container of vanilla yogurt. She also grabbed a banana from the counter and some granola from the pantry to create her own parfait. She even used a kiddie butter knife to slice the banana and a pink, plastic bowl from beside the sink.

Jack, still confused as to what kind of kid his sister was, dumped her oatmeal into his bowl, making one big serving for himself. A few silent minutes later, Jack spoke again.

"I need to go to my apartment and get a few things" Jack contemplated asking if that was alright with  her, but he knew that she didn't really have a choice. She didn't seem to mind though, and after depositing her empty bowl in the dishwasher, went upstairs and put on brown sandals. When she returned, Jack had another question.

"Need me to do your hair?" he asked, nodding towards the brush and bow.

"Can you?" she said skeptically. Jack stood and grabbed the brush. That was the easy part. Jack thought about his sister's consistent hairstyle. He gathered some hair from the left side of her part, smoothed it down, and used the bow to keep it pulled back. It wasn't as neat and clean as when his mother did it, but it worked.

20 minutes later, Jack pulled up to his apartment in his Prius. Inside, he filled a suitcase with enough clothes for a couple of weeks. He also filled a toiletry bag and grabbed his suit out of the closet. He was just about to unplug his TV to save on electric when his cell phone began to croon L.O.V.E. by Frank Sinatra; the special ringtone reserved only for Jacks girlfriend, Julie.

"Hey Jules"

"Hey babe. How are you holding up?"

"As well as can be expected I guess"

"And Riley?"

"She's putting my DVD's in alphabetical order" he said, glancing at the small child kneeling in front of his media center.

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