Chapter 12 - Repentance In Christ

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Skimming over my own account I re-read jimmys letters... (... ahhhhh need more cigarettes....) to find the Jordan was him too keeping his greatest secrets, and his greatest Prayer was that his brother found this out in a way that was GODS will..... In all his memories he says he has been watching his brother all his life, and all the things he'd remembered came flooding back to as things i'd forgotten, deep in the hidden places of my mind, shaping me for life.... It all came back to me. He described his older brother as the sweetest, most loving, kindest, most gentle and above all Faithful person he had ever known and how his brother always longed to be a father... and wrote that one day he was forced into the army and Jimmy, knowing that they were searching to recruit in my area, guessed this would be the case and went into the army himself. He had found out from the masked man where i was being taken... and had met me there, but he didn't write as far as meeting me, he was leaving it untill I found out......
In the Army, we'd had various lessons, learnt how to fly planes and done sports and various other activities including bowling and swimming... i opted out for the charity work as i needed to work, and Jimmy had followed suit, on occasion going skydiving and all..... (Couldn't get me near.)
But now I looked to be leaving as long as I could survive it until Monday, in amonst the bombing of a battle field, and by a stroke of luck, somebody had great sympathy on Jimmy and I and let us go together after all............. "Not so much sympathy that they didn't send us to our imminant deaths..." Jimmy said sounding saracstic. I just grunted in agreement, coldly and amused at the same time.
but now, I was sending an e-mail from caitlin's account based in Ireland, if they tracked it they wouldn't know it was sent from a soldier on the enemys side. I requested information about the boy in the battle field.. For I looked up to the Heavens and spoke to his Guardian Angel (Albeit uncertain that I could if his Guardian Angel isn't here and i asked his name... "ROBIN O'CONNELL." I was told!!!)
"is he alive?"
"He IS absolutely Alive!"
So i sent my e-mail to the other sides army asking if they happened to have a Robin O'Connell there and that i was aware of his being in battle, and that I was overly concerned for his wellbeing and needed to know that he was safe and sound, i signed it, from a father who cares and is trying his best. God bless. Peace be with you. And I wrote that I wished the war would end soon..... my greatest safety be to them all, to both sides, I am on Gods side only, i am Gods servant. God be with you, and sent.
i read over Angel's account about the Sanctuary... and this was when I showed the boy the account too, and told him my greatest surprise and prayer, that we are both going and that he is going to live with me!! The child screamed in delight, constantly repeaing REALLY IS THIS REAL?!
"Really honestly truly seriously certainly absolutely definately surely." I said.
"call me the devil..." one of the soldiers yells outside the library... and Jimmy says, "I wish they wouldn't say that.... that black figure appears behind them each time."
...and now, we could both see GOD at all times, enthoned over the earth, but we could see him clearly... for he looked at Jimmy... looking very concerned... "As you were." I said to Jimmy... and he just winked at GOD and GOD smiled at us both.
"About 4 hours and we're off. Will we be alright, GOD? We both Trust in YOU."
The battles and rubble and bombings...................................... him.

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