Chapter 10 - Repentance In Christ

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Caitlin had a lawyer.......... He was requesting details...... of a Sanctuary....... owned by a young lady called Angel Mary Clement..... In this sanctuary i could have my case re-heard and could be set free. She was seeing him next week, which was (this was sent on a Friday) the following Monday, and I was due to go into battle the very next day. (Saterday and Sunday, we were due to fight.) she said she would get a court order for me and a legal document sent that meant i could go with her and their son (who has chosen their daddy) to the Sanctuary to live while my case was in court, and she had requested exactly the same for the boy Adam Hernandez...... she had replied to my e-mail telling her about the most horric and worst day of my life............ and i'd said, "it happened.........something i can never talk about ever again..... i will only ever screen.. flashing through my mind...... a realisation that wont ever go away....... and i will never forgive." She said she knew me by heart, she said she knew every hair on my head, she said she was given to me by God, she said this word was infact two words, "mass murder". I stared at the words for but a second before deny them completely, for something said in my soul........ it wasn't true............ for i had blood on my hands, but the boys energy was in the air............... the most intelligent of energy I had ever felt................. and purely innocent...and alive............. I read the rest in absolute disbelief and she had written that she had been checking my letters to the courts proffesionals, and she'd asked the CIA, FBI and secret Services to look into the case due to This and due to what Jimmy had written..... that she believed jimmy to be a victim of the secret cult the illuminati mafia... after reading Angel's account. I... genuinely... had no idea what this was... I had hurd of the alluminati but i imgined them to have not gone beyond, i questioned, the KKK...... She would recieve the answers on Monday. She had revealed injustice and illegal kidnapping, breaking the law, new information, forced human torture and suffering, psysical harm endured leading to hospitalisation of a minor and a young adult, her sons rights and him choosing his father, and Truth had Spoken.
I immediately logged in to the account - she gave me the login details, the ones of Angel's lawyer which was an account called WISODOMINHEWHOIS................ and i read everything...... and then sat thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking, and i didn't sleep, didn't move an inch but to get up to smoke..... just thought............ then i made a phone call to Jimmy, told him we're off somewhere................. told him I Know God commands..... and in the early hours of the morning we snuck off to the church..........

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