Chapter 4 - repentance In Christ

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I marched jimmy over to the trainer. Jimmy warned me again of how abusive this man could be... and looked a little frightened. "How old are you, jimmy?" he looked no more than 15 years old, if that. "You're only a boy, aren't you?"
"Well, my legal documents claim me to be almost 30 years old soon, but GOD says i'm just turning 17 years old in Gods time."
I nodded, understanding this to be a case of a real 16 year old boy who has been forced into the army and who has fake legal documents, and i made my decision.
"Sir. We are here to request speaking to the Army General in command of everyone here. We are to answer to the judge and send legal documents to the court, we are to be heard in our defense and this is to be done immediately. Permission to leave the training."
"That's serious crap..." the trainer muttered, "You're talking to the wrong person. Speak to an officer about this shit. if he says no, you get your ass here and get down and dirty, you got that. Both of you."
"Understood. Where might we find an officer?"
"Walking alongside the training grounds as we speak. Are you blind?"
Jimmy looked at the ground... "Thank you, sir, for your help. Please excuse us."
I took Jimmy's arm and nudged him away and he followed sheepshly and said in a low voice, "well played... well said... is that correct, what you said? Am I appearing in court? Did I break the law? Are we in any trouble?"
"Only if we stay here......." I told him, "I'm getting us both out. We're going home."


The officer took one look at me and Jimmy and said outrightedly, "The rebellous man who was in hiding, was taken do do his honour, refused to sign legal documents and now he approaches me.. and the young man who is always trying to get out of training by faking heartattacks and siezures..."
Jimmy looked awekward and then said "Hello again. You're back." he WASN'T speaking to the officer... I said, "Let me deal with this, Jimmy, don't speak to the officer." under my breath.. "I was speaking to Luke." says Jimmy, pointing to his side, "he said he went to get help..."
"Archangel Legion." A voice spoke to me but i couldn't see anyone saying it, he simply said something that made me almost pass out as I appreoached the officer, bracing myself for anyswering to my behavior which i saw as entirely acceptable but evidently he did not... the officer had every idea exactly who we were, while I hear Legion say, "I have called on help from GOD. Legions upon legions upon legions of God's Army of Angels have been called upon to protect you both. I am the commanding Angel of God's legions of Army Angels."
Jimmy didn't hear a word, or so I thought... he didn't respond or reply, and i was too shocked to reply... i couldn't see any of them at all... jimmy kept his head down and was completely quiet and I steadied myself and dared to speak to the officer, telling him exactly as I had told the trainer at the tracks where I felt especially sorry and empathetic for the soldiers now doing about 50 pressups and clearly stuggling extremely...
The officer retirted back to show him the documents we'd recieved from the courts requesting this be done... I told him that this was our right by law. Of that I was certain.
"What right is that?"
"if we are in disagreement with anything decided by law, we have the chance and the right to be heard in our defense before such a decision is carried out and made a final decision, and if were being in the army, even if we had to be there by law, we could request the judge that we were not there perminantly, and i told him that I had to speak to argue any grounds I had to either shorted my line of duty or return home. I told him that I am from Ireland, and that Ireland had not agreed with the other countries to send thier men into the Army. I told him that I was abducted.
"You are from Northern Ireland. This is part of England, and England ARE recruiting all of thier men of age and ability to join the armed forces." he told me that I was the one who had broken the law and that I had to chance to prove my innocence. "You are in the Army now. You fullfil your duties to the Army while waiting for a reply back from the judge which will take another 6-12 months. You have all day and all night to write to the judge. There is nothing stating that you have to do this immediately, but there is an obligation for you to do all that this work requires of you in order to save your life and the lives of others... which is the training today." He told me when I insisted on our right to be heard in our defense before any decision was made, if we believed it to be illegal or injust, (which i realised wasn't illegal to me but perhaps to the boy and it was unjust for both of us!) and I requested we speak to the General about this. The highest in command. I told the officer that Jimmy and I needed legislation.
Reluctantly... he allowed it, and we we walked, i spoke to Christopher.

Christopher said he'd witnessed everything. He too could not see the men by our sides. He didn't question Jimmy. He was focused on our case and getting me back to my son. I debated different things to say, to which Christopher either agreed and suggested or said "That's not the best idea... no, that's not a good idea..." one of them was that I would do anything to get back home even if i were a spy... At that the officer stopped me, "I have given you a chance to speak. Whatever you said can and will be taken in evidence. You have just told us a lot of ideas about what else you would rather do and none of it was the follow the law that you are under in either this country or your own. You have even admitted to illegal acts including being a spy. If this is the case, tell the truth now. You could be under arrest."
"I didn't say a word!" I said, astonished.
"You have been screaming a one sided conversation the entire time. It was most confusing, none of it made any sense. You have the chance to explain your innocence, but i'm reporting this."
"I deny to have screamed."
"You were screaming, talking to somebody... and it wasn't Michael, Luke or Azriel..."
"Who are Michael, Luke and Azriel?" The officer asked.
I laughad an "Aha!" due to the very ironically fatal legal suicide we were putting ourselves through here.... but I wasn't aware of screaming.
"You yelled it all outload." said Christopher, "Confirmed."
"Confirmed." i repeated.
"Do you confirm that you are a spy?"
"No, I confirm that I was talking outload... I wasn't screaming."
Jimmy nodded... The officer sighed, looked at both of us and said, "Do knock."
We'd appreoached the only wooden door out of three in this hallway, and another wooden door down the way, but the rest were gray and stale looking, haunting me.... the building was mudane... and this was the nightmares of my life coming true.
I knocked... and the General answered... after a lot of scraping from the chair accross the floor and shuffling of paperwork and the beeping of a machine... an a grunt of a cugh like clearing of his throat that sounded partly unimpressed at our not being welcome at this busy time and in part getting ready to talk in a clear voice... The man opened the door a crack... he was a large man with glasses and a blue suit on, short gray hair, middle aged to elderly, and he had the most unimpressed and severe look on his face, his eyes only glared at me and went "MHM!" waving a hand, for he replied "I'll decide what to do with these two!!" when the officer told him on our behalf, "Rebellious behavior, breaking the law, incooperative, requesting they appear in court."

I didn't hesitate.. Jimmy looked to my side and made the signal, copying somebody i couldn't see at all, by putting his finger to his lips and attempted to wink, but shut both eyes at the same time, as he had never learnt how to wink, so i learned. The gerneral wasn't watching him, he had his eyes on me and I got down on my knees as soon as he told me on repeat... "The illegal man who was in hiding, was taken to do his duty by our own right to fullfil his obligation the the country and its people, refused to sign the legal documents to even confirm his name or identiy and is now presumably refusing to do as his duty requires. You should be in army training right now and for the next 8 hours. Explain yourself or it'll be even more. I am who you are answering to. I am the law in here."
So I begged for the life of my son and my baby girl, begged to go home and return to my wife, saying that we were living peacefully and happily and that I had no wish to fight, for my Faith in God refused such a thing as killing or murdering... that I didn't consider the Army justice, but what I did consider justice was arguing the law and being heard by the courts, and i explained exactly what I wanted to ask the judge, if it would at all be possible to leave early for any reason and grounds i had to fight for this and for a child by my side who i was of the belief was in the army illegally and was no more than a boy, for i asked for the legilation and any and all legal documents and i asked for the childs legal identity and date of recruitment. "You must have got this wrong." I inisted, "none of us should be here." I begged if there was anything else either of us could possibly do instead of going into battle.............. which I was informed was in less than 2 weeks time. For us both. I couldn't have this happen to the little boy next to me, let alone risk my own life when I had two children just babies to me at home... and my wife was pregnant.... I begged for empathy and told him of the rights i knew of - to be heard in our defense, and he told me plainly that:
"The Human Rights of the members of the armed forced legilation I will give you. The fact is that you are in the Army. You have no choice but to fullfil your duties here while you wait for a reply from the court. I'll give you today as an exception to write in your defence to the judge. You send it by tonight and you get to your training first thing in the morning. You are under our command and you do whatever is asked of you and ordered whenever asked day and night without fail."
He briefly asked if he'd overheard about my being a spy...... and I put my hand on my heart and swore myself a good man. "I would say a very intelligent man, and one who loves his family... but you are asking to apply to the court knowing that you broke the law in the first place and should be serving much longer years in compensation. I don't know how you are planning on arguing your innocence, but know this: Everybody here wants to return home and not to fight. Very few will ever make it home."
"If i stand any chance of doing so... let me try."
He nodded at me and said, "Wait here." Another office door was attatched to his office and he went into another room... coming back with the legal document, which I took back to our bedroom with Jimmy, and began to reaad, telling Jimmy that I also had to write home to my wife and son. I couldn't think... I couldn't write... I found it difficult to read... I told Jimmy. he said he'd be right back, and returned with another two tabelts of the medicines and told me to take them, that they'd help and simply said, "Permission given. I'm friends with the medical team." After he'd told me of his heartattack and lack of breath, I didn't ask questions.......... I just got to work, and I wrote my letter to my wife in a prayer to God and to Jesus, my Lords and Saviors.
Jimmy sat on the bottom bunkbed and read a book.... "The Outsiders" by Stephen King.

what is your full name?" He asked me.
"Ezikuel James Turner."

"mine is Jimmy Hernandez." 

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