Dahyun, oblivious to their internal turmoil, tilted her head in innocent curiosity.

"So, are you two discussing the latest sporting gossip? Shohei-san and Shintaro-san certainly kept everyone on the edge of their seats this season! Even PD-nim loves the dynamic!"

A hush fell over the previously vibrant chatter. A collective gasp rippled through the crowd as a group of dazzling women sashayed into view. Heads whipped around, phones were raised – it was the entire ensemble of TWICE, the K-pop juggernaut, gracing the wedding reception with their presence, even the bride, Jeongyeon, seemed momentarily eclipsed by their star power.

Chizuru and Hana, however, remained curiously stoic. Used to the whirlwind of celebrities that often brushed against their world, their expressions held a hint of something else entirely – bewildered amusement. Some tall men, more than six feet and one inches tall, blocking their line-of-sight.

"Mina finally succumbed to the charms of NICK BOSA?" Chizuru muttered, more to herself than Hana. "Isn't that the same guy who just ended his engagement last month?"

Hana's brow furrowed in confusion. "Hold on, wasn't there a whole media frenzy about that, right before the Super Bowl?" Their hushed conversation, meant for each other's ears only, morphed into a bizarre whisper session as the remaining members of TWICE flitted past.

The absurdity of the situation wasn't lost on them. Here they were, strategizing a potentially history-making nudge in the Ohtani-Fujinami rivalry, which they was familiar with, while simultaneously being privy to the most intricate details of every TWICE member's love life, an unfamiliar territory.It was a bizarre juxtaposition that defied logic.

As if the universe was conspiring to heighten their bewilderment, the final member of the group to appear, Chaeyoung, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, rounded the corner. The shortest of the nine, she blends with ours truly two ladies.

"Hello ladies, you have a blast today. Dating Chase Young?" she quipped, amusement dancing in her voice. "You ladies don't seem like the biggest gridiron enthusiasts, so how'd you scoop that one? To be honest I just broken up with my boyfie around a year and a half ago."

Chizuru and Hana dissolved into full-blown laughter. The sheer unexpectedness of the situation, coupled with the weight of their bizarre knowledge, proved too much to contain.

"Let's just say Chae-ssi," Chizuru began, wiping a tear from her eye, "a certain Romano over there seems to have impeccable intel."

"Actually," Hana chimed in, still catching her breath, "we were just discussing..." She leaned closer, her voice dropping lower, "...the juiciest rumors surrounding a few specific members' love lives."

"Maybe," Hana continued between fits of laughter, "Operation: Accidental Reconciliation can wait another day. Right now, I think we have a much deeper K-Pop rabbit hole to explore."

The situation took another unexpected turn.

"Hold on," Hana blurted, her voice laced with amusement. "There's also, like, Jake Cronenworth who FaceTimed you and..." she trailed off, searching her memory.

"Luis somethin'," Chizuru finished, a sly grin spreading across her face.

Hana and Chizuru exchanged a look, the weight of their bizarre knowledge and the unexpected turn of events threatening to spill out. Just then, Luis Campusano, his voice thick with a Southern twang, nudged one of the TWICE members playfully.

"Y'all be careful now, these two Nihon couples got the inside scoop on everyone in the baseball gossip world. East Asia, seems like. Especially for So-chan. Remember that Hye-seong Kim guy? He is definitely pissed off atm."

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