Chapter 38. Waves To Surf.

Start from the beginning

I leant into him, resting my head on his shoulder. "My father and brothers are a hard act to follow. I'm desperate not to dishonour their memory by being a failure. It has worried me a lot."

"You won't be a failure, Earth. You can be as successful as they were. Trust me."

"Easy to say that, Pond. I'm not sure that I can do it on my own."

"You don't have to. Our human trusted friends will be there to guide you. I will not allow you to fail. Everything will be done to assist you, but you must believe in yourself. I know you can do this. Think back to what you have seen your father and brothers do. Remember how they behaved and acted. It was good training for you even though you did not know it at that time."

I squeezed his waist. "I'll try, and just hope you're there to catch me when I fall."

"You won't always need me, besides I won't always be here in person. You already have others who care about you and are supporting you now. Ming wanted to come after you but I stopped him. He really does think a lot of you. I know that you have admitted that you like him but you are not embracing your feelings at all. Stop fighting it. You can love someone without mating with them."

"You would know all about that, wouldn't you?" l joked.

He laughed. "Yes, and it feels good just being with him. You would make Ming an excellent boyfriend, Earth. He likes you for who you are, not what you have. He is genuine and you should take him before someone else does. When you find a good wave to surf, you just surf it, don't you? You've got nothing to lose in trying. I am told love for you humans is just like that."

We walked along silently for a few minutes, as I was chewing over what Pond had said. I knew he was right as I was denying to myself that I wanted Ming to be more than just a friend. I liked being close with him.

"Are you friends again with Khun Chiang after he made you angry?"

Pond laughed. "Yes, of course. He is a typical Merman. He is overprotective of my feelings and it's looking like he's taking things personally on land. We have so much to be careful of that our tempers get easily frayed. I am like you and get emotional about things too. He does not fully understand that human side of me. Are we friends again?"

I released my hold on him and pushed him sideways. "Read my mind! Race you back!"

I ran off towards the hotel with Pond running with me. We were both laughing and trying to gain advantage by pulling each other back. We entered the perimeter gates side by side and I flopped down on a lounger outside my villa to catch my breath.

Ming went to fetch me a bottle of water from the fridge.

Pond tousled my hair as he walked past me to his villa. "I need to freshen up again after all that running. Remember what I said about surfing."

"Do you need to shower again?" Ming asked, as he handed me the water. "You are all sweaty and they will be here soon, it's almost 11!"

I just gulped it down and without answering him I went and showered again. As I exited the bathroom Ming stood there looking at me with a concerned look on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you really staying now?" He replied. I could see his eyes trying not to focus on my torso too much. "You had me worried that you would be packing to go back as you never answered me."

"I'm staying." I grabbed a shirt and put it on. "I'm sorry, I was deep in thought about something." I moved slowly towards him, throwing my wet towel over a chair.

We stood facing each other momentarily and then I held him and hugged him, squeezing him tightly.

"I'm so glad," he murmured in my ear. "I would have hated to drive back without you."

I pushed him out of the hug, and I kissed him quickly, not on the cheek, but full on the lips.

He looked at me in surprise as I closed in and kissed him again. This time a little slower, and longer, before breaking away, and blushing.

"That's me saying sorry," I blurted out. "Don't read any more into that just yet. I was calling you some really awful things earlier. I was hurt that you did not come after me. It made me realise how much I do like you."

"I wanted to follow you but Pond stopped me. He said you needed time to think and to cool down," replied Ming.

"I know he told me. He said that you genuinely like me for who I am and not what I have. I did have my doubts, but I don't anymore. I just want you to know that I really do like you and I want to be your boyfriend. Will you be mine?"

There was a thunderous knocking on the door. I knew it was the twins before I even opened it.

"Not caught you two at it, have we?" Korn asked, as Karn dug him in the ribs nodding towards a boy who I just knew had to be Kla standing between them.

My look of astonishment must have been so noticeable as the twins and Kla roared with laughter

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My look of astonishment must have been so noticeable as the twins and Kla roared with laughter.

"He's like a younger mini one of you!" I eventually managed to cry out, as I ushered them to come inside.

"I think he looks more like Korn than me. He has his personality and temperament too. He's sports mad and non musical," advised Karn, as he pulled Kla close in front of him and addressed him by his full given name. "Kla Han, this is our roommate and good friend Earth, and his, and now our friend, Ming."

I returned the wai greeting Kla was offering me. Ming did too.

"Is he your boyfriend then, P'Earth?" Kla asked, obviously picking up on Korn's remark and giving the same cheeky grin that the twins had. It was quite unnerving the carbon copy similarities.

I blushed as Ming answered for me. "He just asked me that, but I didn't have a chance to answer because of some terribly loud knocking on the door."

The twins laughed. "So we did catch you doing something then?" Korn remarked, followed by a dirty chuckle.

"I was just asking to be his boyfriend, nothing else." I eventually answered. "There's still nothing more to read into it than that."

"Just one night together and you've capitulated Earth? Whose cherry got popped then?"

"Not capitulated, Korn, nor has there been any cherry popping going on. Just owned up to myself that I want to be more than just a friend with him. I don't need to waste time pondering about it anymore, but I'm not ready to announce it to everyone either, so if you don't mind keeping quiet about it, I would appreciate it. Please?"

Karn ruffled Kla's hair. "You heard that Kla. It's a big boy's secret that's just between us, so don't you go telling anyone, especially Mum or Dad. Okay? Some things are best kept private. Now that you're 16 you have to learn when to keep your mouth shut."

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