13; creating a hero.

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Haymitch gathered Beetee, Naomi and Gale to join the rest, they sat around the table watching a video that they had made of Katniss. Heroic music playing in the background as she stood in the middle of the camera, holding a flag in one hand and her bow in the other.

"People of Panem, we fight! We dare! We end this hunger for justice!"

The people cheered around her as hovercrafts flew above them, Naomi and Katniss cringed once the video cut out, the video was clearly fake and had been made up to show she was ready to fight for everyone, but it wasn't convincing enough.

Katniss shrunk in her seat. Haymitch cleared his throat and stood up, "Uh, Madam President, indulge me for a moment, if you would. Let's everybody think of one incident where Katniss Everdeen genuinely moved you. Not where you were jealous of her hairstyle or her dress went up in flames or she made a halfway decent shot with an arrow. And not where Peeta made you like her. No, I'd like you all to think of one moment where she made you feel something real," he told them.

"Oh," Effie uttered before raising her hand, "When she volunteered for her sister at the Reaping,"

"Excellent example," he told Effie, "Okay," he used his arm to rub the board to clear some room for him to write, "I hope that wasn't important. Uh... okay. 'Volunteer for sister.' Good. What else?" He asked.

"Oh. When she sang that song for little Rue," Effie spoke again. "Oh, yeah. Who didn't get choked up at that? You know, I like you better, Effie, without all that makeup," Haymitch told her while gesturing to her face, "Well, I like you better sober," she said once his back was turned to face the board again, he turned and glanced at her, slightly offended.

"When she chose Rue as an ally, as well," Naomi added on, "Mmm, yes," Effie agreed.

"Now, what do all these have in common?" "No one told her what to do," Gale answered, "Unscripted, yes. So maybe we should just leave her alone," Beetee spoke, "And wash her face. She's still a girl. You made her look thirty-five," Boggs said making Effie scoff.

"The opportunities for spontaneity are obviously lacking below ground. So what you're suggesting is we toss her into combat?" Plutarch questioned, "I can't sanction putting an untrained civilian in battle just for effect. This is not the Capitol," Coin told Haymitch.

"This is exactly what I'm suggesting. Put her in the field," "No, we can't protect her," Coin argued with him, "It has to come from her. That's what people respond to. You want a symbol for the revolution? She can't be coached into it. Trust me, I know,"

"Maybe there's someplace that's less dangerous," "District Eight. They reported heavy bombing last week. There are no military targets left," Beetee told them all, "We can't guarantee her safety,"

"You'll never be able to guarantee my safety. I wanna go," Katniss told Coin, "And if you're killed?"

Katniss shrugged, "Make sure you get it on camera,"

Plutarch laughed, absolutely loving Katniss' sass.

"I've made you some surprises," Beetee says to them as Katniss, Gale and Naomi follow behind him, spying a bunch of new weapons laid out on a table

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"I've made you some surprises," Beetee says to them as Katniss, Gale and Naomi follow behind him, spying a bunch of new weapons laid out on a table. "Maybe you wanna try one out," Beetee said to Gale and Naomi, "If you're gonna be a part of Katniss' propo team, you may as well look the part,"

Gale shrugged and picked up the crossbow before moving forward, he lifted it and aimed it at the target. An arrow shot out and lit the target a flame instantly. "Damn..," Naomi said to Beetee, amazed.

"For you, Miss Odair," Beetee said leading her to a different table, "A fine crafted spear, and lots of daggers," he said pointing to them with a smile, "Thank you, Beetee," she smiled gratefully at him. Her hand trailing along the handle of the spear which was designed with patterns resembling her district, waves flowing all up it.

"And this one is for you," Beetee told Katniss. "Plutarch wanted you to have a weapon for the sake of the propos but I couldn't just make you a fashion accessory," Beetee told Katniss.

"It's beautiful," Katniss tells him, "It sure is,"

"And, look here," Beetee tells them as he leads them to another table, he points at three different arrows, all different colours.

"Regular," he says as he points to the black one, "Incendiary," he pointed to the yellow, "Explosive arrows," he pointed to the red. "All colour coded,"

"And tell Finnick, I've got a trident for him when he's ready. Might just cheer him.. cheer him up," Beetee said to Naomi, she nodded knowing in reality the only way to cheer Finnick up at this point was to get Annie back safely. Until then he'd suffer in silence.

Katniss readied a red arrow, pointing it at the target. "Let's not fire the red ones in here," Beetee said with a hand on her arm to stop her, before carefully taking it back from her.

"Go get suited up," he told them, Naomi gathered her weapons and headed to get dressed, shoving the throwing daggers into her designed outfit that perfectly held them, she grabbed her spear firmly in her hand and left to get on the hovercraft.

Gale stood waiting with Effie, him suited up also. "Nice outfit," he told her, "Thanks," she said shrugging him off, "You both are camera-ready," Effie told them as Katniss approached with Boggs.

"Doesn't your comrade look handsome?" Effie asked Katniss as she spoke about Gale, getting no response from her. "Let's go," Boggs said.

The four stepped up, "Come back safe," Effie told them as they got on the hovercraft. "Quick introductions, Katniss. These people have come a long way to support the cause. This is Cressida. In my opinion one of the best up-and-coming directors in the Capitol," Plutarch told her, "Until I up and left. Hey,"


"Let's see what you can do," Plutarch told them, "All right. Be careful," he left them all, getting off the hovercraft after leaving them in the hands of Cressida.

"This is my assistant, Messalla," "It's an honour to meet you," he told Katniss, "And your cameraman over there, Castor," "Hello," "And Pollux," he gave a little nod to her, "Let's get locked in," Boggs told them.

They all sat down, "You're all from the Capitol? Plutarch got you out?" Katniss asked Pollux, "Don't expect much chitchat from him. He's an Avox. Capitol cut his tongue out years ago. And, no, it wasn't any sort of rescue, if that's what you mean. We all fled on our own. For this. For you,"

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