10. ada

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(a/n: ITS THE WEEEKKKENNNDDD YK WHAT THAT MEANNNSSSS NEW CHAPTERS!! OVER 200 READS IM PISSING MYSELF, thank you for reading and voting for my book ily!!)

although it wasn't ideal, you roomed with dazai. he set up a futon in a separate room as his own for you to sleep on, which you were glad for. dazai also ended up feeding you, he ordered takeout for the two of you. you tried to eat silently but you noticed dazai was itching for conversation. "soo.." the brunette awkwardly tried to start a conversation "why exactly were you exiled from the Port Mafia?"

you looked up from your food and raised an eyebrow at him "i betrayed them.." you lied.

"mhm.. i know that, but how?" he asked curiously.

"i let information leak that i shouldn't have." you lied again.

"wouldn't they have just killed you then?" he said, sticking out his pointer finger. "having a loose tongue in the port mafia almost always ends in execution, i would know."

"w-well, I managed to get away, and that's when the tiger boy found me.. the mafia is still after me" the lies rolled off your tongue.

"huh i suppose that makes sense.." dazai dropped the subject, but you could sense that he didn't completely believe you.


you slept at dazais place that night. his place was nice but nothing too fancy, he was housed by the armed detective agency so you assumed most of the members living quarters looked similar to this. you woke up to dazai shaking you. "come on wake up, i already got ready for work there's no point in me staying home nowwwww." he whined. you rolled over and groaned softly.

"w-what?" you say with a yawn.

"you're wanting to join the armed detective agency, right? well, then you need to get up because a Kunikida doesn't like when your late. although you aren't an official member, you still need to be there, especially if the mafia is after you."

"ughhhhhh" you groan

"there are clothes next to you change into them and let's go." dazai says looking a little depressed. jeez you weren't a morning person either, and no one is exactly happy to go to work every morning, but this is a little ridiculous. you glare over at the tiny pile of clothes next to you.

"ugh fine just get out."

dazai leaves the room, and you change into the black jeans and white button-down shirt that were next to you. you assumed he gave then to you because they were a little big. as you were looping the bell he knocked on the door. "almost ready?" his voice said from behind the door. you belted your pants quickly and open the door.

"i'm ready." you said. he looked at you in the larger clothes and laughed a little.

"sorry I don't have your size here yet" he smiled.


you do eventually get to the armed detective agency's office, as soon as you walk in the door, that same blonde man you met yesterday, who you now know as kunikida, starts berating dazai about being late. "DAZAI DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?"

"kunikida it wasn't me this time" dazai deadpanned and pointed at you.


"so uh.. does he ever stop yelling when dazais around?" you ask while walking past the two men.

"it's rare, but it does happen" a boy with a brown hat and a crooked purple striped tie says while eating a lollipop. 

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